2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

“It’s okay! He’s just friendly!”

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I’ve done Turo a couple of times and it’s fine. Pickup/Dropoff is far superior.

Only downside is that I worry about some random haggling about some microscopic scratch on their car that I allegedly caused. Rental car companies generally won’t come after you unless there is something significant. Although I hear that is changing, so maybe I will Turo more often in the future.

I avoid enterprise everywhere and anything else as a neighborhood store. I’ve heard enough horror stories that the same scratch/dent has probably been billed 5+ times without ever being repaired.

Airports are pretty low key about their cars. Just drop and go.

I have heard that Hertz is now doing that same sort of thing too. Probably should start taking photographs of the car before I leave.

Late Stage Capitalism



Hell yeah


A quick walk around video at pickup AND drop off is always a good idea. Photo any obvious damage. Or just return cars to busy airports. They dgaf there.

Source: my brother is an exec level employee at a major car rental company amd worked his way up through all the positions at satellite branches to airports etc.

Here’s a terrific picture of our very own @von_Internet:

I think he’s the one with the cake.


What the fuck is going on at the FDIC?


A Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. lawyer remained on paid administrative leave for 10 weeks after he was indicted on federal charges related to the production, possession and distribution of child pornography, an agency official said.

Mark A. Black, who most recently served as special counsel at the FDIC, was indicted on Sept. 14 and arrested the next day, court records show. Federal prosecutors said that between January 2018 and October 2021, Black was part of two online groups whose goal was to track down young girls online and persuade them to livestream themselves participating in sexually explicit conduct, which Black and his co-conspirators secretly recorded.

New Zealand politics >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>US politics


Also is there anything better than reunion videos on social media? It’s rhetorical because the answer is no!

Not low energy.


Why not both?

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Goddamn the Church of Satan is truly doing the Lord’s work.

Next month, Truman Benedict Elementary School will play host to the After School Satan Club — only the second such group organized by the Satanic Temple in California.

The club, which will have its first meeting on Feb. 12, is being promoted with a brochure that features a cartoon devil and a section titled, “Educatin’ with Satan.”


Big demonstration outside Kissinger’s funeral today. Chanting “burn in hell!”


Oh ok I’ve finally pieced this together. I was wondering why Republicans were all “the US should bomb the cartels” a while back and I thought it was just political grandstanding. And of course it is, to an extent, but now we have this talk about calling immigration an invasion and that states have a right to defend themselves. Of course that’s political grandstanding as well, but I didn’t see how it would matter legally. But putting it all together and reading this right wing policy think tank post I see how it’s all fitting together

They want to make a legal case that cartel activity counts as an “invasion” of the sorts during the 1800’s with Mexican and Indian raiders along the Texas boarder. States during that time did do a lot of their own enforcement such as the Texas Rangers, militias, etc. They want to say that the cartels are like that so states should be allowed to enact their own policy. Then once they’ve got the green light “against the cartels” just do a slight of hand to really do all their own immigration enforcement as a pretext of defending against the cartels

You’re overthinking this, they just want an excuse to kill immigrants.

I’m thinking how the right wing legal movement wants to play their part. They can’t just say ‘Legally Texas gets to kill brown people’, they need some legal pretext, just like Trump’s Muslim ban was legally not a ban against Muslims but a ban of countries who didn’t practice proper vetting techniques (who also happen to be Muslim), otherwise the whole ‘the conservative legal movement isn’t just an arm of the Republican Party and is instead good faith scholars who happen to differ from liberal legal scholars’ falls apart quicker than it already is.

I mean to me and you it’s obvious, but they need to the edifice up to fool the liberal legal academics who treat them with soft gloves. The longer they can keep it up the longer they can forestall a liberal legal backlash.

Huh. I read Satanic and thought…

