2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Within the past month I think!

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Four regions would be tough.

I guess I’d go with:

  • Northeast - DC and all states northeast of it
  • Great Lakes/Midwest whatever - The states that had an OG Big Ten school in it
  • Pacific - Washington/Oregon/California/Hawaii
  • Jesusland - Everything else
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I grew up in Southwest PA and never heard a local suggest it was a part of the Midwest. I think we can safely draw the Eastern border of the Midwest at the OH/PA border.

Colorado has a sad.

How about Pittsburgh? I always considered it to be Midwest as well. Basically a mirror image of Cleveland.

So Arizona is Jesusland?

The rest of what you put is pretty close to the standard breakdown, except put everything west of Kansas in with Pacific, and call it “West”.

The West/Midwest line could probably move a little to the right, claiming parts of Kansas, Nebraska and the Dakotas.

Texas could definitely be broken up into South on one side and West on the other.

Oklahoma is the ultimate tweener. Could be some Midwest, some West, some South.

If you’ve ever been to the bootheel of Missouri, it’s the South.

I don’t know shit about this area:

So I’ll defer to the thread.

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Your map looks pretty good for exactly 4 regions, but the US clearly has more than 4.

I’d maybe move Missouri to the south. But don’t hate it.

On one hand, I feel bad because they don’t deserve it and it’s only because I was forced into making only 4 regions.

On the other hand, a part of that state sent Lauren Boebert to the House of Representatives, so…

And I think Focus on the Family is based in Colorado Springs.

Don’t love it, but, much like Colorado, decisions have to be made if you’re holding me to 4 regions.

Regarding your map, I don’t love putting Mormonville in the same region as the PNW and California.

But the biggest problem I have with your map is putting Maryland and Delaware in “The South”. Yeah, I know where the Mason-Dixon line was. But that was a long time ago. They have much more in common with NYC than Mississippi.

Not if you’re NCAA basketball.

laying in bed in northeast ohio right now and it’s the midwest.

I grew up in Pittsburgh. We ain’t Midwest ya jagoff.

OK, good for you. Have a nice day.

Delaware Dixie

I feel like that new Civil War movie got it right.


Pittsburgh is the Paris of Appalachia

Basically I think Pittsburgh area is still hilly but if you go 30-40 miles west into Ohio it gets flat and that’s where the Midwest begins


Midwest designation is relative and a lot of people are simply behind the time. Ohio used to be the “West” and became the Midwest with westward expansion. With the addition of Alaska and Hawaii in 1959, the Midwest moved to include Idaho and Montana. Ohio now part of New England imo.

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Also “New” England has been around for 400 years now. Surely we should just call it England now.