2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Microsoft is the single worst UI designer of all time. Fuck you Microsoft. Fuck you. So hard.

The new outlook is a flaming pile of manure and everyone involved should be fired immediately.

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Lol @ using Outlook

Thatā€™s like my uncle still having an AOL email address

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Welcome to corporate life.


In 2003

The only change Iā€™ve noticed is the stupid bar of shit to the left. Are there more changes coming?

Try moving Folders around.

Check out this fancy fuck with his built in water filter while the rest of us are stuck with Britta water filters!

(We live in an area known for itā€™s water quality so we drink straight from the tap. But Iā€™m sure once the supreme Court strikes down Chevron weā€™ll all by Flint.)

Dumb corporate stuff was our IT department allowing Microsoft to have their ā€œtry the new Teams / Outlookā€ toggle that downloads the beta version of the new applications but also locking down notifications so only the old applications can send user notifications. Cue a lot of people trying the new applications and then missing meetings and messages because they werenā€™t getting the notification pop ups.


This is EXACTLY what Iā€™m dealing with.

I love that I canā€™t even tell if I clicked a header until 2-3 seconds later when the email list re-sorts itself. Did I click it close enough to the tiny word, or not? Feedback when clicking stuff is so 2015.

Also all an inch of blank header when vertical space is at a premium is awesome. Please show me less actual content.

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It absolutely, positively cannot be worse than HCL Notes, the dumbest enterprise email solution in history

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My issue with corporate IT right now is that Iā€™m expected to be available for emergent messages on Teams, Outlook, Cortext, SMS, and EPIC all at the same time

So for the past month Iā€™ve been helping build logistics and crowd for a big event tomorrow. We actually almost succeeded in pulling off an actual surprise, except we have Rob Pyers and his Twitter Bot that automatically pulls info on any new California filing the SECOND it goes live with the Secretary of State/FPPC (Californiaā€™s FEC). sigh

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This is what I hate the most about dumb corporate decisions. Stick to one platform especially for notifications. Even worse is that it is trivial to do.

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Im having a kid and had someone over to do
some work prepping the nursery. At the end of it he handed me this

A colouring sheet about the plagues of egypt. Firstly i dont think newborns really do a great deal of colouring in. But more importantly Iā€™m not sure the story where an all powerful god murders a million innocent children for basically no reason is quite the one I want my first born child learning about. Seems like that may be a little worrying.


And youā€™re missing plagues 4-10. Those are some of the best!

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I think at least two platforms is the key. Thereā€™s an incredibly fragile equilibrium where thereā€™s a channel for high-priority, you must look at this now messages, and 1+ channels for less urgent messages, and some social or practical stigma against inappropriate use of the high-priority channel. When I went from law to tech, I installed an app on my phone that plays a jarring klaxon sound whenever Iā€™m paged. But it was a huge work-life balance improvement because I no longer have to drop everything to look at each email notification (in fact I donā€™t even have my work email on my phone). Letting high priority stuff poison other spaces is, well, toxic.

Another had sex humble brag


The real first plague is the kid(s).


Yeah, seems the coloring book was tongue in cheek

I was just thinking how unfortunate it was that my parents were anti-Boy Scouts because of the God stuff but the result was that we ended up in the Indian Guides.