2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune



I didnā€™t realize that there was a conspiracy theory over his death. How is that not a movie?

Got a pic with Cornel West in Birmingham yesterday after he spoke for MLK day, heā€™s a great passionate speaker


You ever get Keith from The Try Guys?

Iā€™m the one in the red behind him just my head showing


If youā€™re the second from the left you have an absolutely top notch Afro.


Im guessing the answer is no then


Anyone remember Terry Tate Office Linebacker?


Cmon man, that looks photo shopped.

Kidding. Nice pic.

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I didnā€™t even notice there was a guy in red in the back on my first glance at the photo.


just finished patrick stewartā€™s memoir on audiobook Making It So. highlights:

s1 of star trek he yelled at the cast for goofing around, telling them theyā€™re not there to have fun.

he thought the wesley crusher character was a dumb gimmick that didnā€™t fit with the tone of the show. he thought s1 was weak and that he was particularly bad in it. he thinks s3 got a lot better, and s5-6 were the best of the series.

gene roddenberry didnā€™t want him for the part and actively fought against his casting as picard, but the network executives forced it on him. this is like the one time in tv history where the executives got it right. roddenberry was cold to him until like a year before he died, long after the show was wildly successful with all audiences and made him millions of dollars.

in like s2 or 3 patrick asked the writers to give picard a love story because he was jealous of riker always getting the girl. they wrote that great story where picard goes to riza and hooks up with that rogue archeologist. well he banged her after they filmed the episode and started dating her, which ruined his first marriage. his daughter was 16 at the time and never forgave him.

then he either married her or some other young woman. ended up cheating on her with another young woman, and that marriage broke up. then when he was 73 he married a 35-year-old and said ā€œlast oneā€ but weā€™ll see

he thought star trek nemesis sucked. he felt he got tricked into doing an overpriced single episode of the tv show.

he specifically asked them not to do a TNG reunion on the picard series and they forced it on him. and he wanted to end the picard series with a scene establishing that picard retired and has a family, but they nixed that idea and made him do a toast scene with the tng cast.

i purposely left out the parts of these stories that donā€™t make him sound like a huge asshole, because i think itā€™s a little bit funnier to do it this way


He was not wrong.


ā€œA lot can happen in 25 36 years.ā€

ā€“ Jean-Luc Picard

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Literally every news story out of Australia is some terrifying new animal that will kill you.


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Does it make me racist that I misremembered Terry Crews as the actor for the Terry Tate role? I would normally reflect on how I made an error like that, what it says about me, how to improveā€¦But, I think Iā€™m going to give myself a pass on this one.

I thought the same thing.

I donā€™t think itā€™s racist, just mixing up two actors.

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Pic was some of my local DSA chapter, also Iā€™m speaking at local library board meeting as part of DSA next month trying to fight against library lgbtq censorship here

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Conde Nast absorbing Pitchfork into GQ is the dumbest move since getting rid of the HBO name/brand for ā€œMax.ā€

Why do these companies buy others to run them into the ground?

That sounds insane.

First self-designed useful 3d print. We have a built in water filter but the lever wonā€™t stay up on its own anymore, which is a pain when filling water bottles, etc. Weā€™ve been propping it up with a candle. Until today!