2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Very big deal. Time to dust off the Supremacy Clause.

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This is incredibly fucked up.


doesn’t really matter anyway, airlines are now just credit card companies but with aeroplanes

My near death drive to the 9th Circle happened outside Denver in a casino town called Blackrock. We left around dusk for our drive back to the city, and within a couple miles we were under just a god damn tsunami of snow, in a pos 90 Mitsubishi Eclipse. Fortunately it had snow tires. literally one wrong turn and whoops it’s an 11k ft fall sorry bout your luck pal. Never been so scared in my life but more afraid of not trying to get down the mountain and that shit car becoming our coffin. Fortunately we lucked into a snowplow heading our way and were able to ride his bumper down to safety. Snow is bullshit and wolfy as hell


Incredibly sad story about Jack Hanna’s bout with Alzheimer’s. I always enjoyed his Late Night appearances. Seems like a great dude who just lived for animals

[type or paste code here](https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/nation-world/2023/06/21/jack-hanna-illness-sick-alzheimers-columbus-zoo-david-letterman-animal-guy-good-morning-america/70293207007/)


What the fuck is the “Texas Military Department”?

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The Texas Military Department (TMD ) is an executive branch agency of the Texas government.[2] Along with the Texas Department of Public Safety, it is charged with providing the security of Texas, which has the second largest population, border, and economy in the United States.[3][4] It also provides administration of the Texas Military Forces (TXMF), the principle instrument through which it executes security policy. TXMF currently include the Texas Army National Guard, Texas Air National Guard, and Texas State Guard.[5] It formerly included the Texas Rangers, Texas Army, Texas Navy, and Texas Marines.

we had to drive back to the hotel in rejkavik from somewhere on the south coast. we stopped at a hot springs spa, and by the time we were done there was a winter storm warning for all of southwest iceland. it was already dark and snow starting to come down hard. still we jumped into the tiny rental car and drove, we only had to make like 20km, but it was the worst driving experience ever. i didn’t even realize all rentals come with studded tires. otherwise i would have perished in socialist paradise.

i had driven in snow and ice in the us northeast, and been lucky aside from a couple of slides off the road. but that was nothing compared to the north atlantic blizzard.

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You’re not going to want to read the comments in many of the online threads. Sanitized, they vary from “don’t want to die, don’t come here illegally” to “it is unfortunate, but this is why we need more secure borders”.

I get the picture. If Trump wins, Abbott can open up shooting galleries.

Not going to pat the feds on the back as the lesser of two evils here. First, the court decision is that the razor wire gets to stay, but mostly it’s that the razor wire is a horrendous thing that makes a lot of news, but the hundreds of miles of fencing was put up by the Feds and started by Bill Clinton with the intent of driving people deep into the desert to cross and far far far more people have died and will continue to die because of that than because of the razor wire pontoons.


And that’s just SLIGHTLY different than letting a mother and two children drown.

How so? Using deadly obstacles to try to prevent people from crossing when it’s obvious that people will end up dying? Is the difference that one is easier to catch on film? Or, oh, the feds try to save people? BS. They prosecute people for leaving water in the desert.

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The thing I don’t get about the obsession with building physical barriers at the border is has there been a shred of evidence it acts as any kind of deterrence? Are there people living on $2day in El Salvador saying to themselves “I’d love to get out of here but I heard there is a wall covering a tiny length of the border”.

The walls seem like 100% political theatre to make conservatives happy. Like so much conservative political theatre, the more human misery they create the better.

So I did research this is a bit and it is remarkably easy. You order the parts you can’t print (barrel, etc), which are all legal, and then assemble it yourself.

Like, it’s so easy that all the pro-gun politicians who think everyone should be armed should just be telling everyone to make their own guns instead of buying them. But they don’t. Weird, I wonder why that would be.

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Are these parts plastic also?

They do have a limited effect. Border walls at the most easy to cross areas have pushed immigration to the more inhospitable areas of the border. The main driver of any policy is to make it as dangerous and lethal as possible.

Ok but is there any research or data that it actually deters anyone ever. I sort of doubt it does.

It’s the same as the laws not detering undocumented labor. Deterence is not the point. Creation and maintenance of an underclass is the point. Torturing a class with no bargaining power, and no protection under the law, that still pays into social security without ever collecting.
