2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

No, they’re metal. The kits have the barrel, firing pin, stuff like that. I don’t really know much about guns. But all the stuff you buy is legal and unregulated. The law in some places still requires you to register it, but seems like that only becomes an issue if it becomes an issue.


Thanks. I feel like I remember seeing some show where the plot involved 3D printing a gun out of plastic so that it could get through a metal detector at an airport.

Seriously doubt homeade weapons are ever going to be a major thing, they’re barely a thing even in countries where firearms are banned. It’s virtually anyways going to be easier and more reliable to just buy a black market weapon.

In The Line of Fire, I think?


This is close to the plot of this all-time classic

Dammit Trolly


Maybe, but that was before the time of 3D printers, right? IIRC (and I may well not remember correctly), I think a 3D printer was involved.

I think there are plans out there for an entirely printed single-shot single-use gun that may explode when you fire it. It’s called the Liberator I think. Buying the extra stuff allows you to build an actual gun-gun.

My theory is that conservatives are more superficial and visually-oriented than average. They like big, showy, symbolic stuff without bothering to think it through.

They just want to build a giant wall that is obviously physically impossible to cross. Not a fence but something like the Berlin Wall with armed guards.

Crunching. They do

Sweet spaghetti with chopped up hotdog

They sell it at McDonald’s. It’s a great post hangover food.

My understanding is that the biggest evidence is it stops being people travelling more than once.

When the border was open, people travelled back and forth seasonally. After the border formed up, people cross once and stay…

Unintended consequences. Shrug

Happy “day when conservatives quote exactly one line”, everybody!


What happens in 229 years? Do all the poor people just die?


Our tax dollars at work.


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DEI in action.

Nuclear annihilation, poor people will NOT be in the bunkers and space shuttles

Too bad about the pointy ailerons


How many days do you recommend to do Washington DC? Which tours are worth doing?

Depends entirely on what you want to see. I’d do a self-guided tour, personally.

Of the Capitol?