2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

A small generator or even a big battery backup would be in order for the furnace?

I have a modest gasoline generator and can switch my boiler furnace to a plug for the electrical side.

Guess if you are in an apartment setting a batter would work better. I have my sump pump on a charger/inverter setup.

Both cost a few hundred $$

Ya Iā€™ll need to look into that. I expect there will be a run on generators after this.

Buy online for in store pickup. Beat the fools that go to the store in the morning.

Thatā€™s how I got my snowblower when there was a run.

A couple weeks ago some Norwegian trader clicked a wrong button apparently and we got a day of -20c/kwh energy price. Otherwise stingy Finnish people blasted their saunas, ovens etc. for 24h and ā€œmadeā€ tens of euros against their utility bill. Markets be efficient. WAAF.

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yes duolingo is prob best as a third/fourth supplemental language learning option, but itā€™s still been overall worth it for meā€”so this news sucks. The translations have been getting noticeably worse for the last year imo. Itā€™s also awful that they torched their forums a couple years ago, I had learned tons from those discussions

maybe more old news, but if you like to run things through google translate sometimes, imo google translate is good but DeepL is a lot better (at least for french)


You mean people in Canada come together for the greater good?

Whats that like?


Iā€™ve switched over to Busuu and Iā€™m liking it so far.

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Watching movies and tv shows with subs is a great way to learn a language. I watched Lost with hardcoded Spanish subs and I hardly noticed how fucking bad the show was. Anyway, for someone who ā€œknowsā€ 5 languages, I rarely speak even one.


Happens in both CAs

Nice, wtg fellow CA bros and gals

Yeah, Netflix has a lot of telenovelas that are great for this, including La Reina del Sur, which is A+ television.


My brother works at Delta and one of roles used to be in pricing. Once he accidentally set a few flights at $0. He caught it quickly, but not before some people booked tickets.

Donā€™t remember what the resolution was.



No shit.


My company helped PG&E shed a bunch of load last summer running demand response events and helped avoid some brown/black outs. Much better than making Microsoft more money like on my previous gig.

I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever heard a Drake song that I liked.

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This has always been THE rap song for me, drake yes

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