2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Well, they are going to try to pay them as little as they can, but that’s a separate point than I was addressing. Farms generally don’t care about age if the kids are willing to work.

That is how we were paid for strawberries.

And it’s not that they won’t take kids who will work for $2/hr, it’s that in the USA that is not realistic and will not get the work done. There aren’t enough children of farmers and kids who need to earn a living. Regardless of labor laws, much of agriculture wouldn’t work in the USA without immigrants. Those farms would fail and that food would get imported.

It’s 100% theater. Yes, USA corporate farms would use cheap children if possible. That’s 100% nittery.

This is a note someone found in Aria Dining Hall. (I assume that is an employee area).

Not to shame whomever it is, but the list really ends on a high note.


I think it was found in the public food court.

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LFS’s article was about iphone 5. Does it still apply to newer gen iphones?

Why will these companies only sell to law enforcement? If I was willing to pay their fee, why wouldn’t they hack an iphone for me. I assume they like money. Is their really no price at which they would do it?

i wonder if you can put it under a microscope and look for discrepancies in which numbers are pressed more frequently?

Holy crap, capsaicin in the eyeballs fucking blows


I got hit with bear spray once. Zero stars. Would not recommend.


Thats because no means no


This is the most USA#1 thing I’ve ever seen.

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That’s how all my health insurance worked in Germany. FWIW

I mean it was direct deposit but I paid the provider and they sent me the Euros

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Fair, it was mostly the combo of insurance, check and cash, all unheard of here.

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I assume they have contracts with law enforcement to not sell to normal people, but I am not 100% on that.

This is my recollection from back when this was in the news a lot because of the fbi and apple facing off.

I know Apple doesn’t want law enforcement hacking their devices. Android is a bit different as it’s going to be the hardware manufacturer and google working in concert.

King shit


Just impossible for a Republican to pass a budget

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No commitment to decommit.


Can’t put a cap on this Johnson


It’s almost -50 C today with windchill. That’s -58 F for my American friends.



Today I learned how trivially easy it is to create a text file list of folders within a windows directory.

A very useful thing that I probably should have learned 20 years ago!

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