2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

I think minors are only allowed to work 40hrs a week on weeks when school is out.

When I was younger I always wanted to walk into a mostly empty theater with a couple of dudes sitting in the middle with a “homo-safe” seat between them and just sit right down in it.

Never managed to do it though.

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theater for who?

Close the border, gotta get workers from somewhere. Also no wars currently so gotta grind up them poors some other way.

Look out. Could be Michael Jackson and Gary Sandusky and they’ve been waiting for you.

His constituents want a story where immigrants aren’t needed and children working in the fields builds character. Everyone knows it’s BS and it’s just some sort of character they like.

I picked strawberries a bit when I was in Jr. High school. Some kids would go in the fields to make a little pocket money, but most of the people working there were Vietnamese adults. This was not long after the immigration of “boat people”. The Vietnamese adults picked like 5x what any kid picked. The corporate farms don’t want kids working. They want…nowadays it’s Guatemalans or maybe now Venezuelans.



Family farms where kids help out are still a thing. Especially in the Midwest.

Wild story, but this caught my eye:

Assume your phone is only protected by password (no fingerprint or face id), how do they get in the phone, even with a warrant. Is the phone easy enough for some municipal IT guy to crack?


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Semi-grunch, but I think that one possible reason why your strategy may be less successful than it once was is the advent of basic economy tickets with unassigned seats. I’m pretty sure that the airline will intentionally fill those with basic economy passengers (rather than giving them a better available seat). Not 100% sure on this, though.

I have a similar strategy. When I’m traveling alone, I always book an aisle seat in a row with someone in the window (rather than completely empty row). The idea is the same (i.e., maximize the chance of empty middle seat next to you). The success of this plan has been dropping over time, but I’ve noticed a more precipitous drop in the last few years, which I’m guessing might be due to basic economy.

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No doubt. You’ve gotta start somewhere. I got my start in Japanese with a lesson CD purchased at the bookstore (two extinct things: CDs and bookstores!) that taught only the most basic words and phrases. But working through that inspired me to take a class. A half a lifetime later, I’m sitting here typing this from rural Japan.


just curious… how much is a bowl of ramen and plate of gyoza in rural japan in yen in a basic local shop?

Definitely not true. They will take anyone that is willing to show up and work.

I think I was 8 when I started working on my family’s farm.


Only if they can get exemptions to labor law, like paying by amount picked even if that comes out to below minimum wage

Depends on the place but around 1200 yen or so.

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There are programs sold to law enforcement that can crack phones. There was a big to do about this and apple several years ago. Apple, for instance, is always trying to make their phones unhackable (the fbi wanted a back door in all phones).

So depends on phone and os as to whether or not they can get in but third parties maintain programs to hack phones for them.

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There is a third party company, or companies, that do it. Not sure if it’s easier than it used to be, but I can remember this being a big story in a few cases.