2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

The only time I think this would be warranted is if you’re a couple going to a movie with a friend and you each buy your tickets separately. If the couple reserves two non adjacent seats, there’s a high likelihood that the third person will be able to fill that middle seat even if they buy their ticket much later. But obviously that’s ridiculous - just buy all the tickets at once and settle later.

Also I think I am disavowing the airline seating strategy.

No. You wear that shame for life now.



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Yes. My insurance right now will only pay for a standard eye exam if I somehow get pregnant. So I’m off to Costco like everyone else in my position to drop $130 or whatever for someone to say “one … or two?” while flipping the lenses back and forth. Four minutes later I’m out the door with the same contact prescription I’ve had for over a decade, the magic ticket giving me the privilege of ordering more full-price contacts. I can’t drive, or really function all that well out in the wild without corrective lenses so they got me good and hooked as a repeat customer forever. I really need to thoroughly research corrective surgery; the last Costco eye doc told me my corneas might be too thin for it, I don’t know about that. Anyway here’s my cash payment.

Good news!


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You just ran bad on #1 and #2. 95% of people will be like #3.

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The witness told investigators the victim was the reason “her divorce was pushed through” and that “Hailey had wanted a divorce due to her husband only wanting to ‘do butt stuff,'” the court document revealed.

That’s the good stuff,


I would have believed 95% pre-pandemic, but I am prone to expect much less basic human decency in public now. Maybe I’m wrong and it’s still only 5% “anti-social”, but those people have turned the anti-social dial up to 11.

My dental insurance for some reason sends me a check for my dental service, which I cash, and then am expected to pay my dentist with the proceeds.

No better sign of a fucked up industry than some surreal bureaucratic angle-shooting BS like that. Like don’t even try to tell me “well actually, you see it makes sense this way because…” No. The whole system is obviously FUBAR and rotted to to core if this shit is going on.

Nobody wants the middle seat.

#1 might have been angle-shooting for the voucher. Gotta respect his game. Don’t be the monkey that was happy with his cucumber until he sees another monkey getting grapes.

#2 was just an idiot. It happens.

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Oohh do I have a story for you. When I was 12 I flew from Philly to CA and back with my 10 year old brother. Just the two of us. On the flight home I sat in the middle, gave my brother the window, and had a random lady in the aisle. I had packed a bag of candy and snacks for us that was 99% small things like tootsie rolls and life savers, and then two king size snickers bars. I opened the bag, gave one of the snickers bars to my brother, then being the gentleman I am I asked our seat mate if she wanted any candy. She smiled wide and said “oh yes!”. She quickly grabbed the second king size candy bar. My brother just laughed at me as I sat there dumbfounded.

Definitely made me stronger. I’ve never since allowed my king size bars to be snatched away from me.


Holy shit what a boss move.


Man did she teach you a life lesson.


I’m not going to pass up a chance to re-post a classic.


What the ass?

Everybody talks about taking candy from a baby, but taking candy from a kid just as easy imo.


Translation will likely exist in some form or other, but it’s already changing. A friend of mine, against my advice, recently got a masters degree in translation. What he was taught to do (basically, use machine translation tools and then check them over and edit them) bears no resemblance to what I did in my two decades as a translator (use my own brain along with reference materials to do everything myself).


Seriously WTF? Where is this big push for child labor coming from?


100% theater. No corporate farms want 14 year old American kids.

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Arent kids at 12 already allowed to work on farms during school hours in some states with parental consent?