2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

What was the bias? Gotta be pretty big to be meaningful in a real set size that is just a few flip.

Has anybody ever tracked actual NFL flips? prolly about 275 per year (256 regular season games plus playoffs plus some OT).

I knew the flip side up bias as a kid. I dunno from where.

We’d even shake in our hand and cover the top prior to flipping as to not inform the caller.

And then there was the angle shoot of catching the coin and the turning it 180 put it on the back of your hand.

i get what you mean, but for practical applications like gambling the coin bias can be made asymptotically smaller by flipping the coin several times, keeping the side it flipped to as the next orientation, and then using the last value. is that not so?

It’s just like me for real

Article says they flipped 350,757 times and they got the same side 50.8% of the time instead of 50.0%, with a 95% confidence interval of 50.6%-50.9%.

I think so.

Proof that statistical analysis has always been bullshit

My great-grandfather always said figures lie and liars figure

But I think like 95% of his generation believed in the skull measurement figures of “race science” and there’s no reason to believe he’s in the 5%, so grain of salt that he was actually skeptical

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Yes and you dont need many flips : a bias of 51% drops to 50.02% if you flip twice and 50.0004% if you do it 3 times.

eta :(general formula is if you start from 1/2 + eps, then after n flips you get 1/2 + eps_n with eps_n = 2^(n-1) eps^n).

But (as I found by quick googling) it’s actually possible to obtain a completely unbiased flip from a biased coin anyway (just do it twice, and keep only HT and TH which have same probability, retry if you get TT or HH). Discussion of efficiency and other methods can be found in these notes

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So the sushi place near me started serving breakfast. It’s a mix of western and Japanese offerings but the last thing on the breakfast menu is spaghetti Bolognese. Is this some Japanese thing I have never heard of?

Sounds Italian to me.


A Japanese version. Might be made with udon noodles. Might have a curry-ish influence.

There’s an Japanese-Italian place not too far from me.

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I asked a Japanese friend. Apparently this is a thing. Pasta for breakfast in Japan.

We tried a Vietnamese Italian fusion place. Having never been there and no reviews I figured for someone to attempt a fusion of two such very different cuisines they must know what they’re doing. So I invited my parents to done with us before a concert. Turned out to the the worse food imaginable. Like basement level Vietnamese food combined with some noodles and pasta sauce. We couldn’t finish the meal and my parents ended up throwing up.


More reasonable than cereal for breakfast. Plus with Bolognese at least there’s some protein

The place near me wasn’t that bad, but not especially good. I just tried it once.

Cereal for breakfast is fantastic.


It’s ridiculous.

Fried rice is a common breakfast food. Breakfast potatoes are a thing. Pho is a common Vietnamese breakfast. Starch for breakfast is normal.