2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune


i didn’t realize she made a little remark as she was sending him to jail. she got a taste of something else lol

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I forget if it was mentioned in gamescout’s video on the tetris crash, but there was another guy who was racing the kid to be the first to get the crash. That other guy got it about an hour ago as the second person ever, and there’s several others who are playing for it who are pretty capable of getting it, so might happen a lot more often than once per 34 years going forward. Still cool to have been the first one of course.

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the 4 minute mile

I got crazy dreams just from being obsessed with tetris for a week. I couldn’t stop seeing blocks when I closed my eyes. I can’t imagine what these guys go through.

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i never knew you could slide the pieces like that under gaps.

it’s all a matter of the rolling technique. one it was discovered and controlled it’s gonna become trivial for top players to crash the game. as the video i posted suggested, the next goal would be to finish the game without crashing it

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? You can slide it just as it “lands” to fill a “hole” is that what this means?

Think I used to do that but certainly not at those speeds.

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no, it’s a tapping technique that some kid invented about two years ago. allows you to play at speeds that were impossible before


I was trying to understand this from the video posted. What does tapping the underside of the controller do to help in this situation?

Edit, nevermind. I just watched your video. Thats crazy.

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-23 C wouldn’t even need liquid nitrogen. That’s just a shade cooler than the average freezer.

I was told there’s (still) nothing to see here.

This is a new one

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Is that real? The way he flies into the frame over the judge’s desk looks hilarious, but fake.

Yeah it’s real. idk why they put a trampoline in front of the bench but it’s real




Disqualifying a trans House candidate in Ohio for not deadnaming herself on her petition to run? That is all kinds of fucked up.

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Only skimmed it, but I assume the law is from long ago and the idea was they wouldn’t want someone with a criminal (or otherwise undesirable) past able to dodge that by simply changing their name.

However, if they allow exceptions for married women, then they should also allow exceptions for trans women. Depending on how long ago the law was written, I don’t fault the legislators who passed it that much. But is definitely fucked up if it isn’t changed, which I’m sure it won’t be in fucking Ohio.

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