2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Could be a number of reasons. My uneducated guesses of possible explanations in no particular order are:

  1. LAS has a longer runway than DEN
  2. LAS is better equipt to handle an emergency landing. Maybe more runway availability to shut one down for a while or something.
  3. Landing at a lower altitude is better with a blown/flat tire
  4. British Airways has maintenance/repair crew and space at LAS but not DEN.

Again these are just guesses based on nothing, but it’s likely something along those lines.


wild ass guess would be they can land at slower speeds in less altitude in Vegas, warmer temp might keep up pressure as well.


This Bill Ackman guy is also an RFK fan? Huh? Wasn’t RFK doing stuff considered to be anti-semitic?


the new guy

Raised by a Jewish family, Garber expressed regret about the University’s initial response to the war in Israel and Gaza during an interview with The Crimson in November, calling the backlash to the University’s response the most serious crisis Harvard has faced during his over 12 year tenure — including the Covid-19 pandemic.

The president’s job – managing thousands of employees, overseeing a $50 billion endowment, raising money, managing expenses, capital allocation, real estate acquisition, disposition, and construction, and reputation management – are responsibilities that few career academics are capable of executing. Broadening the recruitment of candidates to include top business executives would also create more opportunities for diverse talent for the office of the university president.

Sounds like Ackman himself is the ideal candidate.

I use it, it’s been fine. Not sure if it actually better than any of the free ones. I kind of picked it 6 or 7 ears ago and just coasted with it.

+1 to this. It gets the job done and I buy it for 2-3 years at a time so eventually a good deal comes around before I need to renew so you’re never paying full price.

I use it for overseas travel. Works fine. No downside that I’m aware of.

This popped up in my YouTube a few weeks ago but I haven’t watched it:

The guy on the left is wearing a Brigsby Bear shirt

Was that a spin off of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt?

Good guesses. Here’s the answer from the airline pilot on 22:


Thinks it is because that is where BAS had the right spare part.

dude need to get a contract somewhere when he’s out. damn thats quite a jump


Racist criminal justice system strikes again.


much better video unless you are insane and want to watch the full run. a fun explanation on how this happened.


Dude showed up for his sentencing hearing in this.

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