2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

I’m gonna rule not famous enough. Please try again.

IIRC, LFS is a big dude and in pretty good shape. That changes the calculus a lot.

I’m not saying don’t do it, just that you should expect to have to do serious damage before Elon is done. He took on a professional Sumo wrestler and went hard enough to permanently screw up his own neck. His account here was confirmed by two biographers, if I’m remembering correctly.

So Alice Walton is out, too? What about Ryan Kaji?

Oprah Winfrey sounds like a good choice.

There are several factors at play. I’m not sure you are considering them all.

  1. How rich are they
  2. How likely you are to win
  3. How much good you are doing by taking their money
  4. How good/bad you will feel about beating the shit out of them

Oprah may score highly on the first two. But there have to be others that score well enough on those categories and have a higher overall score.

I don’t think you’re going to do better than Chuckles answer of Rupert Murdoch.

  1. Between 5 and 20 billion dollars
  2. I’m only 5’8" 140 lbs. But I’m under 50 years old. He’s 92. I’m winning.
  3. I don’t know what exactly I’d do with News Corp, but I’m sure someone could help me use it for good.
  4. I would feel great. He might even die.

Yeah, that was a great pick. No doubt about it.

It’s clearly some kind of misdirect. Too obvious.


Doom scrolling on Twitter, came across this woman who wants copyright abolished (guess what - she’s involved in AI). I clicked on her profile to see what her deal was and holy cow, she’s the biggest self-fart sniffer I’ve ever seen. Every tweet is a garbled pile of pseudo-intellectual claptrap.


Your thoughts on the nba salary cap?



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Weren’t they all correct???

Umm no?

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This was my answer. When you’re fighting for $1.86 and a half-eaten big mac, people know it’s not about the money.


If you search for “givewell top charities”, the top google results are ads from a bunch of, ahem, non-top charities. So dark.

I get these

These are definitely all well-known charities. Could it be because they spend a bunch of donor money on advertising? Like, what goes through your mind when you’re placing the order for ads on a search for a specific other charity?

Oh yeah duh. I just got that givewell was actually the thing we were searching for. I’m slow.

You how you know politicians are awful. The best speeches are being made by parents.


With Tiktok filtering and pushing the most triggering content, Team Parents were bound to find something good, since there are so many more of them.

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