2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Warren Buffett


The Goons have been arrested.

Rupert Murdoch. 92 years old making him a free win, and it would be very satisfying to bankrupt him.


Trump. I DGAF if he’s busto.


Charles Koch, same reasoning.

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I want money and I also want to really enjoy it. Elon Musk.


Now you’ve got me wishing that Kissinger was still alive.

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Hey, Palpatine was resurrected (presumably with the blood of Grogu).

So why not ol Henry?

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Are you sure you can take him? You still have to win. He’s a bigger than average dude, not super old, and supposedly training to fight Zuck. If you’ve got some fighting chops, then absolutely have at it, but if not, then it seems like there are better options.

You have to spoiler that parenthetical shit, man.

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Musk is a bully and will crumble at the first sight of his own blood. Also he is not training for shit.

Well, as long as you’re confident, he is an excellent choice.

I was considering him myself, but I wasn’t sure enough.

Does Elon have any actual cash or is his wealth all tied in to shares he cant actually sell and which will be worth a lot less once you get them? Do you take on his debt as well?

Not likely to crumble easily. Elon may have turned into a bully but he had a rough childhood. He knows what it’s like to take a beating. You could maybe add some EV if you think you’re saving humanity though.

If I have to take on Orange Man’s debt, that might move me to a different choice. I’m good with getting nothing. But I wouldn’t go into debt to do it.

Typical selfish American won’t take on debt to save democracy

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IIRC, LFS is a big dude and in pretty good shape. That changes the calculus a lot.

Well, upon further reflection, I probably would go into some debt. As much as I could comfortably afford. So still selfish, I suppose. I fear that it may be more than that.

Do we get the payout value before we decide?

Democracy dies in debt avoidance


If general rich people count as celebrities, I want to change my answer to Miriam Adelson.