2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

It’s fairly similar to the way police in California can declare someone to be a gang member just because they feel like it, which strips them of various rights such as privacy

Reminder that California has like 5x Black people per capita in prison than Deep South states like Alabama, without the increase in white people per capita in prison. And obviously, Alabama isn’t doing anything “right” or just in that regard

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If youre too embarassed to masturbate in a hospital, just stick your dick in one of these machines set up in a line in public. No embarrasment here!

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I had to “do that” twice in a medical setting. Once was the day I was diagnosed with testitcular cancer. After being diagnosed on an emergency room visit in the middle of the night I was scheduled for surgery around lunch time, so around 9AM they sent me to the hospital´s new gynaecology wing as that was where the IVF-lab was situated.
After talking to the doctor about my post-surgery and chemotherapy diagnosis I was given the option to freeze some sperm, which I took. Then the doctor told me that they had forgotten to plan a “donation” room, as the clinic was planned with gynaecology in mind, so she gave me directions to bathroom for on-call anesthisiologists, which I found and when I opened the door it was currently in the process of being cleaned by a 60-year old, overweight lady. As luckily there was also a toilet in the bathroom I told her I needed to use that and after she had left, I “performed”.
The second time I had to to that was in the lab my urologist or family doctor sent me to, to see when my wife and I had trouble having kids a few years later. They just sent me to the staff bathroom which had a door that was so thin I could here people walking the hallway outside.
The experience in the video seems worse than both of those. Why would I want a man shouting at me during the process?

Did they give you porn? I’m not sure I could perform under those circumstances w/o any.

Also twitter seems to think the voice might not be real.

I was in my twenties. Everything worked without „external support“. In the first instance I remember thinking that if this was how my kids were conceived (or at least how my part of that conception worked) I would have the GOAT embarassing dad-story to tell my children. I was a dad before actually became a dad…

You got your chocolate in my peanut butter!

I leaned today that astronomers think the massive red star Betelgeuse will go supernova within a few years and it will be so bright we will be able to see it during the day! It’s 700 times bigger than the sun. So cool.


“a few years” is true on cosmological time scales I suppose, but might sound pretty misleading otherwise. The estimates are in the 1 000 - 200 000 years kinda range I think.


Hmm that’s not what I saw on the video I watched. It’s consuming carbon which means it can only last 100 years at most.

I’m not an expert though.

I’m subscribed to her but hadn’t watched that video. Sounds cool if that result holds up, I was basing it on another astronomy channel I subscribe to which made a video about it a few years ago:

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Cool I’ll check that channel out. I think the discovery this year it’s consuming carbon instead of helium is what shortened the lifespan so much.

550 +/- light years away. Maybe it’s already gone.

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Prayers up for all the university presidents out there

California has roughly 2000 per 100k black people in jail or prisons

Louisiana has 2400

Alabama is like 1500

The 5x claim is absurd

King Charles II come on down!


I’m going to need to know which one of the Olsen twins is richer.


Stevie Wonder