2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

When I read the headline I thought that he shitted out the anal beads in the hotel bathtub and they caught him red-handed (?-assed). By the time I got to the end I came to agree with your conclusion.

Woah, 8 bit Mickey is a name blast from the past


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Um…T-Pain can SING.






“T-Pain can sing” is “Bob Saget worked really blue” for the new generation.


Heh, well put.


T-Pain was huge around the end of high school and into college for me, so I was right in his target demo at the time. I vaguely remember a video coming out of him singing acoustic and surprising everyone. I think he’s said that he uses (used?) autotune because he liked the unique sound, not because he needed it.

T-Pain performed one of my favorite Tiny Desks tbh … and this was 9 years ago apparently

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He needs to do an unplugged “I’m on a Boat”

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Goddammit, now I’m down The Lonely Island rabbit hole. I did this to myself.





I’m an extremely honest thinker

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One thing I’ve learned is that a lot of rappers and pop stars who put out songs that require zero actual singing ability can really fucking sing if the occasion calls for it. I suspect they all probably all sang a lot as kids who loved music. They don’t need to use that for their current art, but they can dust it off if needed.

On the one hand, I get it, we have the technology to turn just about anyone into a pop star with some tech, a tune, and a shitload of promotion. On the other hand, the music industry is extremely cutthroat, and there has to be something about a recipient of all that promotion to have been chosen over hundreds if not thousands of others who could probably be just about as good.

So, like:

This seems to me like T-Pain got in because he was able to sing AND because he embraced autotune, the new sound of the 2000s. If he couldn’t actually sing, then what does he have to offer over other manufactured, autotuned wannabe pop stars? And while I think the above version is straight up better than the autotuned version on the radio, like, he likely gets passed over as just another R&B wannabe without the gimmick.

Apparently Tim Meadows has fallen on hard times.

Anyone wanna give me the cliffs on what exactly these “crime-free housing laws” are. Apologies for my laziness.

background checks?

Landlords can do background checks on prospective tenants, but I think describing that as “crime-free housing laws” is a bit weird, so I was wondering if there is more to it. I guess I’ll look into it tomorrow.

“Crime-Free Housing” ordinances and programs allow and encourage the eviction of tenants from their homes without the requirement of any criminal conviction, but instead, based upon mere allegations of criminal activity attributed to tenants, persons living with the tenants, or guests of such tenants and regardless of whether the alleged criminal activity took place on the leased premises, thus effectively allowing the police to determine where renters may live;

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Well, that’s some bullshit. Even worse than I had imagined.