2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

I’m well north of Toronto and we are going to have a green Christmas. This is very rare up here - maybe the 4th in my 52 years and it looks like it may hold beyond New Year’s day. That would be a first. I’m normally happy if we can get to mid-November without snow (and equally as sad when it snows on Halloween).

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El Nino wreaking havoc all over the country

It’s going to be a green Christmas here as well in northwestern Ontario. Today we broke the record high. It was 7° Celsius and on Christmas day it will be the same except also raining.

Here is todays temps vs the historical average for comparison.

Bama tho

We were having 1 in 100 year weather events and now we have moved up to 1 in 200 year weather events.


Glad we’re moving up to where they respect our raises.


Merry Christmas


What does this mean

Not unless your definition of the “derposphere” includes the Harvard Board of Overseers and the editorial page of the New York Times. I don’t know the story in detail enough to speak on it really - it is possible that her work contains some plagiarism. But the cherrypicked examples originally culled out by Rufo don’t constitute plagiarism at all and no-one who actually know what plagiarism is (I suspect a minority of people) would think otherwise. That her job is at risk makes me suspect that the board wants her out for other reasons (likely grumbling from donors) and are latching on to this as an excuse. But I should reemphasize that I am just making this up and am not really following the story that closely.




If I ever describe anything I do as being “quirkily wide” please fucking shoot me.

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Ha ha



Why the hell do we have children.

Started sending my (at the time) 7 month old to daycare in September.

He has not made it more than a week and a half in a row. He has been sick every ten days for 3.5 straight months. This is the worst.


First day care winter is the absolute worst.

It gets better and by the time they’re 2 they both get sick less often and get less sick when they do.


It’s so fun to pay like $2k a month (after tax) for day care and have your kid not be able to go like 20% of the time, LOL AMERICA


My first child had to get tubes because every time he got sick he got an ear infection. But he was getting sick every like month and a half. Not every week and a half.

Yeah I suppose I should be grateful that we’re only sending him 3 days a week so it’s less than $1000 but man we’re spending a lot of money for them to not watch him

Cancel culture has gone too far




Reddit thread:

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