2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

how did she get caught?

She didn’t get “caught,” Chris Rufo is lying and the NYT just ran with it.

Her big mistake was noting the works she was stealing from right inside the text. She even lists the details of the publications in a big list in the back! The real mystery is how she got away with so long.


It’s a good thing she’s white.

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Hang on.


Finally a small step


I’ve not been following any of this in detail.

So she quoted some passages and cited them and derposphere is calling that plagiarism?

Guessing SCOTUS finds some way to shoot this down.

Last week, Harvard said that an earlier review had found two published articles that needed additional citations, and that Dr. Gay would request corrections.
“President Gay will update her dissertation correcting these instances of inadequate citation,” the university said on Wednesday of the additional findings.

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“Much of what seemed modern and alluring about Los Angeles now seems terribly shortsighted and ugly,” the story said. “The ethnic patchwork appears to be a map of bunkered enclaves. Its center cannot hold because the city doesn’t have one.”

LA - perpetually on the road to hell.


My immediate thought was that I bet a higher percentage of my rich white neighbors would say that LA is hell because they have to see homeless people and hear about crime than would actual homeless people and victims of crime.


While this sounds insanely out of touch, defenders were quick to point out how this message was an improvement over last year’s holiday message: Don’t be poor.

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Guess where I work :harold:


not for long you keep ass grabbing around here instead of making that guy richer


Didn’t know this was possible

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Forecast is 20C/68F and raining for Christmas Day tomorrow here in Adelaide. Pretty unusual. The vast majority of the Christmases I can remember have been hot as balls. Record coldest Christmas Day was 17.4C in 1922. Record high was 42C/108F.

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It’s going to be 60F here in Ohio for Christmas. About 25F higher than average. I know people golfing today. Last year at this time it was around 0F.


55F in Minneapolis, going to get a couple inches of rain into tomorrow. I’ll take it

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