2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

I don’t know how I missed this 8 years ago

Can’t even use steel chestnuts when you’re conkering anymore, because of woke.


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“king conker” but it took him almost 50 tries to win a world championship

lmao what a LOSER


Conker? I barely know her!

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I busted out laughing at the top reply. If you are not familiar with this guy’s account, he is a highly skilled professional troll.


When I was a student at Ohio State a professor I knew traveled to the big Conker festival in the UK with a ton of buckeye paraphernalia. Everybody there was apparently beside themselves to find out that there was another place where people lost their shit over horse chestnuts. Guy didn’t have to buy a drink all weekend and brought back some of the funniest vacation photos I have ever seen.

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At the grocery store. There is absolutely no need for the amount of shelf space devoted to pickles.

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I saw that on my tiktok feed last night. Cheered that lady the whole way.

For a time, I was getting regular emails related to unsuccessful sign ins or 2fa’s confirming that it was me signing in from Microsoft.

Then it just stopped and hasn’t restarted since.


ETA: The definitive characteristics of Altoona-style pizza are a Sicilian-style pizza dough, tomato sauce, sliced green bell pepper, salami, topped with American cheese and pizzas cut into squares instead of wedges

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“EVEN THEIR PIZZA SUCKS!” - Marksman, just now

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I’ve been to Altoona, but I didn’t have the pizza

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The description actually makes it sound pretty tasty while at the same time being an abomination. Sounds like something I’d make in the toaster oven after scrounging for whatever I can find in the fridge. And then I’d enjoy the hell out of it.

Yeah thats 100% a latchkey kid creation

Impressive mea culpa from a rich white dude. Respect


@spidercrab , if you’ve still got those gift cards, I think you know what you have to do

I assume you can actually get this at a Skyline Chili, but perhaps that is not the case.