2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Tell him to give you $1000 to delete your negative feedback

But for real I agree with Melk and Suzz

This discusses and links to analysis that basically shows that most people over 110 are fakes/mistakes/frauds.

Very counter intuitive concept where a very low error rate on a large base can still account for almost all the outliers.

I must be misunderstanding the concept, because it seems intuitive to me

Counter intuitive to normies.

At work. We linked up our little contact centre of 4 people to the main company call centre of 1000 people

We ended up with about 80% of our calls being calls for the other place.

This required the customer or one of the agents to make about 2 or 3 different mistakes back to back

Thatā€™s really improbable, so no one would believe me when I kept saying thatā€™s what was happening. It was a large base and we were getting the improbable errors, but that was big for us.

Quick reminder of what today ā€œcelebratesā€.


That (and its alive counterpart) was a fun draft.

We should do another draft sometime. Got no ideas for a topic, but Iā€™m almost always entertained regardless of what it is.


Anyone know if Apple intelligence is going to fix the god awful text prediction on iOS? If it does, that would be enough to make upgrading worth it.

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If you want to read the best known paper responsible for todayā€™s econ noble prize, you can get it for free here

Need more constraint on the executive, right?

i buy cards on ebay a lot, and when shipping gets fucked up (99% of the time itā€™s USPS), when i get the refund iā€™ll ask the seller if they want feedback or not,

some donā€™t want anything (even positive, which is what it would be) about items not arriving. some say yeah go for it bc it looks good on them that they took care of something that wasnā€™t in their control.

3-part behind the bastards on columbus was worth every second.

So. Apparatus my Microsoft account is having multiple attempts to log into every day, from all over the world. This is like, china, Turkey, Brazil, Ohio.

All unsuccessful.

What do we think this is?

Like some brute force password hacking thing that does multiple accounts?

Do I need to do anything different? Maybe give myself like a 20 character password?



That happened to me, too. One day it just said I had to many unsuccessful logins and I had to do a whole bunch of shit to get back in (donā€™t even remember what I did).

It still happens, but I havenā€™t been locked out againā€¦yet.

I used to get a lot of log in attempts on a microsoft email address I made way back in the day. To mitigate the risk, I changed my microsoft email account so that I sign in using a different email address alias and turned off signing in from my original email address.

I still get email to that original email address but an attacker canā€™t log in using it and I sign into it using the alias email address.

You can basically make some alias email accounts and pick which one to be the one you want to sign in with and disable sign in from the others.

Also make sure you have 2FA enabled.

Thatā€™s brilliant! Much applause.

Most likely. My hotmail account is having the same. Its likely from that AT&T breech.

Use 2FA and a password logger and you should be fine. I use Lastpass. One password that I have never used anywhere else, and it creates and stores 20+ character passwords no sweat

I read this twice and have no clue what this article is about.The second read through made it worse if that is possible.


Pretty sure thatā€™s AI gibberish.


is this account associated with crypto? use a two factor authentication (non cell phone)