2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Very amusing happening today where Bret Stephens was debating Lee Fang and Matt Taibbi and learned live on stage that Pol Pot had not been opposed by the US as he had supposed, but had in fact supported him until his overthrow by the North Vietnamese Communists.



And USA supported the Khmer Rouge until 1993, and then the change was about US policy shifting towards Vietnam. Vietnam was opening up and in 1994 the trade embargo was lifted.

I lived and paid taxes in the Keller school district for twelve years. It’s a well off school district. Cutting food down for one percent of the students seems unnecessary,

I realized I hadn’t re-filled my kid’s school food account in a while and was confused, turns out it’s all free since COVID.

On the one hand, it’s nice. On the other, I don’t mind paying for my kid’s lunch if it makes it easier for the families who need help. But to do that would require applications, paperwork, etc etc etc. So I guess it’s easier/better to just give meals to all the kids who want them.

I was on free and reduced lunches and 100% of any stress related to lunches was the administrative paperwork. It’s so much stress, intentionally so, so that less parents will do it.

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Yeah Im not sure the California schools who have instituted free lunch for all will ever go back. Its just such a positive for all involved that switching back will get incredible backlash

I was trying to find an old sci-fi short story that may or may not exist but I can’t even look because dickheads are being dickheads.


Looks like once she got this fixed she took her account private. Which I get, we all know eBay is super vindictive, and it’s her livelihood. But what about all the people this happens to who don’t go viral?

NYC does a lot of stupid stuff (lol Adams) but one good thing is that school breakfast and lunch here is free for everyone


Not only that, if school lunches are something “we” get instead of being something “they” get, they’re a lot more likely to be supported.


Replacement iPhone has been shipped and FedEx is not giving me an option to have it held at their office. So tomorrow I will need to be vigilant and meet the truck as it arrives I guess.

Hilarious if it gets stolen again.

You couldn’t pick it up at an AT&T store?

I probably could have, but in the past I’ve always been able to contact FedEx and have them hold a package at their office if I wanted. That is apparently disabled here.

I can be home tomorrow and between setting up alerts on the Ring cams and keeping an eye out it should be fine.

Tell the cops if they want to run a sting, tomorrow is the time. Or just blow the porch pirate’s head off when he tries to steal the package.

didn’t expect to see a 1-minute “the werewolf game is based on politics”, good times.


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Here is another article about the porch pirates stealing phones. Covers the Wall Street journal article but then has more about the suspected criminal syndicate flying people around.

On October 1, WKRN in Tennessee reported similar arrests of men who were alleged to be “part of a crime syndicate that obtains shipping information and supplies it to field operatives.” Spring Hill Police Department Lieutenant Mike Foster was quoted as saying that “somebody who has access to the manifest or the delivery list is giving out information.”

“According to Foster, the crime syndicate purchases flights and rental cars for their operatives to travel to predetermined locations, like Spring Hill, knowing exactly when the iPhones would be delivered,” the article said. Foster said that FedEx “provide[d] us with information that led to the ultimate arrest of these individuals and they were hitting multiple houses.”
