2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Last night by my house.


They do get blacklisted but they might be usable overseas. I don’t know if Apple does/can blacklist them in addition to the carriers.

Did they take you on their spaceship?


Why would sales tax be refunded? Are they not shipping you a replacement phone?

That’s why my butt hurts today!


Just had a depressing back and forth with a colleague who is very reasonable, but conservative.

Colleague: “Isn’t it crazy how all the crazy leadership in the Republican Party used to be Democrats?”

Me: “what, who?”

C: “Trump, Elon Musk, Tulsi Gabbard…”

Me: “Musk is very right wing, have you seen how he’s behaving on Twitter?”

C: “no, he’s liberal. He just cares about free speech.”

Me: …

Never under estimate people’s capacity to delude themselves into believing what they want to believe.


They refunded the sales tax on the stolen phone and charged me sales tax on the replacement phone.

Hate to say it but your friend has a bit of a good point. 15 years ago all three of those people would have been considered at least somewhat left wing.

They were looking for hopelessly gullible morons and found the mother lode in the Republican Party.

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I don’t think we can know enough about other people and what they are going through to be able to say anything about their work/life balance other than say that isn’t for me…

Has to be 90%+ to be divorced within 3 years.

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As to what Thoughtly does, I was going to try to guess some useless soul-sucking crap that no one asked for. But they I figured I’d just google it, because whatever I came up with couldn’t match the real thing.

Of course. God forbid a client have to wait another week to fire all their call center people and customers wait another week to get even worse support than they’re getting now.


maybe they have an understanding.


I just hoping the photo is staged for a laugh. Probably isn’t, though.

Someone go break the tie between Croque Madame and Croque Monsieur.

I would have gone with “Voicely”.

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They are all Russian spies too.

Send him a copy of Noah Smit’s latest column about how the GOP is a weak party where all the old leaders have been pushed aside.

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Physicists are big mad. Women also unhappy.


Woman physicist: In 1985 he [Hinton] published a paper about this, titled "How I Plan to Screw Over Physicists by Winning Their Nobel Prize”.