2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

It’s like 6 posters creating their own ridiculous AI photos of dogs carrying babies through floodwater while making jokes about building a raft out of money because how else could money help anyone, so stop whining about not getting enough help

And MrWookie violently defends them as being truth bearers

The thing with crime is that it’s easy to do one off crimes and not get caught. Cops won’t much care about one iPhone. However, if there have been 10 similar iphone thefts in a week, there will likely be a real examination and an investigation. By reporting the incident organized criminals can be caught.

So you’ve been canvassed by the police a lot or there’s never been any porch theft in your neighborhood?

My front door is 10 steps from a busy sidewalk (a small gate abuts the sidewalk) and I’ve never had a package snatched. I don’t know about others. I haven’t been canvassed.

Yeah I’m not talking about any one specific example, just your comical overuse of “this forum says” whenever any small handful of people say something you don’t like.


Are you on NextDoor? If you want to know about porch piracy in your neighborhood, that’s where to go.

And if you disagree, you must be a Black teenager, according to noted intellectual heavyweight and Politics Understanderer simplicitus.

Do you have a point?

Sounds like you’re just unaware of the details whenever you see it used.

“Ah, it must be that this guy saw another guy say something he doesn’t like.” It can’t be that a chunk of the forum is actively participating in something that CS04 and most normal people would also find clearly racist or classist."

It sounded like you being racist when you asked if someone was a black teenager because they didn’t have faith in the police. The last 6 words in that sentence don’t really matter much. I suspect you would be replying with something along the lines of "black teenagers understandably don’t trust the police. But that’s patronizing and suggests that black teenagers lack perspective and are incapable of seeing (in your eyes) the truth.

I think maybe that was his point.

Surely there’s nothing wrong with attributing something a few people say to a much wider group in general :roll_eyes:

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I was saying, implicitly but not seriously, that not reporting to the cops might have some basis if he were a black teenager, but as a middle class white guy the cops are here for him and he should use them.

This was in response to some comment about not getting the cops involved, which strikes me as lefty coded paranoia.

You were talking to wiper though weren’t you? And he wasn’t the victim of the crime. Wiper’s neighbor was the crime victim. So, if you were just suggesting the police don’t respond to or help black teenagers, how is it relevant whether or not wiper is a black teenager?

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I certainly don’t accept your premise here that police mount any significant investigations for porch piracy. I expect maybe if they catch someone in the act or catch someone with packages in a traffic stop, they might go back to old reports to see if they match to help build a case. Maybe.

Local cops running stings to catch porch pirates isn’t uncommon and one of the few ways they can actually do something tangible for the average joan.

Fuck yall for making me type that after the stories posted itf the past week.

Dunno whether they are running stings or not, but that’s still not people calling them about a theft and then them investigating that theft. It would be a lot easier to catch someone if you had a trap and caught them in the act, so that makes some sense. But, package theft is very common in my area and everywhere. It’s constantly talked about on NextDoor and by just people off line. And still, never once has anyone from the police ever asked me if I saw something. I’m wondering why wiper was thought to be so wrong that he must have been some kind of black teenager when he questioned whether or not there would be an investigation. Have you ever been canvassed by the police about package theft?

I would have gone home too. Police make me nervous. The black teenager comment just seemed like a crude attempt at political humor, don’t really care.

My preventative list would be something like:

  1. Be at home
  2. Have it delivered to a pickup location
  3. Home delivery, have some objects on your porch a driver (hopefully gives a frick) can leave your package hidden behind.
  4. Have neighbor scoop it up for me

It’s nice to know that I have blocked the right people.

I write and edit gambling news articles. Clearly not an important job, but I obviously still strive to do good work.

Someone wrote one this morning using Zero Hedge as their source.

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FedEx actually called me!

I explained the situation to the person who called and she said she’d send it to their “claims” department. I told her if somebody is interested in seeing the videos I’m more than happy to share them. I’ll be shocked if that happens, but I’m shocked they called at all.