2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Delivery company: “Where do you want me to put your $1000 phone?”

Customer: “Just leave it on the front porch, I’ll grab it when I get home in 6 hours. I’m sure it will be fine…”


So happy that people just don’t leave shit on porches here in Prague.

On every other block or so, there are groups of secure boxes in which packages are delivered. As a matter of fact, Alza (Czech equivalent of Amazon) has their own groups of boxes that you can pick up your packages from so long as you order through them. You get the box number and PIN by SMS when the package is ready and you go and pick it up.

Amazon has boxes too over here, but I just can’t get arsed up to go somewhere for a package. Probably should though.

And there are also third-party companies that work with smaller retailers that do the same. I ordered a couple of items online through a local retailer and it was the same situation. Got it dropped off at a group of boxes a 10 minute walk from where I live.

I mean I get that mindset if you live in a rural area though and have to drive to a group of boxes in the middle of nowhere or something that could be cased by some hidden thieves waiting for someone to grab their package. That’s not much of an upgrade from some dude pissing in a bottle dropping it off on your porch.

Delivery company: lol it doesn’t matter anyway, one of our employees is going to give the tracking information to an accomplice and it will be stolen five minutes after delivery

Amazon has something like that here but most people don’t use them. Plus Apple delivers through fedex. I guess you could arrange pickup at a fedex store but I am not sure.

We definitely need to manage this better here.

I don’t even think that’s the issue. Just having it at your doorstep is massively more convenient. I’m willing to face some risk of porch pirates for that. LFS’s experience would be enough for me to change my ways.

seems like if the driver were in on it he would have let this guy know where the dropoff is

I don’t have the patience to put up with having to go through the replacement bullshit so I generally pick up new expensive stuff at the store. I used to have stuff delivered to the office in the old times, that worked too.

Waymo car attacked with passengers inside…

(TikTok - Make Your Day)

ha, yday my neighbor across the street called and said to come out and i guess his car got broken into last night, window smashed, ignition popped, obv they couldn’t figure out how to steal it and left. nothing was in the car worth stealing.

i told him that sucks and maybe park in the garage instead of the street (lol)? he said, “yeah i’m sure that’s what the cops are gonna say”.

me: you called the cops? when? why?

him: just now, i dunno, maybe somebody has a ring camera or something?

me: sees cops coming around the corner haha, you think they’re gonna canvas the area?!?

he started to say something but i couldn’t hear it bc i was already halfway back to my porch.

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I mean this forum is laughing at AI sad hurricane pics, kind of bizarro implying the misery is fake and that the federal government shouldn’t help because how does money help anyone survive anything

Probably a digital note in their system

Are you a black teenager or something? Most cops do their job.

Are you asking LFS or wiper if they are a black teenager?

Do you think the cops are going to canvas the area over a porch pirate?

I know there have been lots of porch thefts in my neighborhood and I think people usually call the cops (no black teenagers on my street!) and I’ve never been canvassed by the police.

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True. Their job is to protect property and the interests of capital and they do it well

It’s still an interaction with no upside for wiper so why bother

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Unfortunately a lot of times a police report is required to be reimbursed as a victim of crime.

Fuck all the way off. Believing in facts is not orthogonal to helping real victims. Generating sympathy for fake victims is far more harmful.

Bit racist, man

Your use of “this forum” is always hilarious to me. Like anytime someone says something disagreeable that somehow equates to all of UP somehow.

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