2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune



Oh OK, so it’s your father in law that you’re mad at. I guess the rest of us who just enjoy riding our bikes to a restaurant or the grocery store have nothing to worry about. Ah wait, what’s that? You’ve projected your family disagreements onto an entire group of people with nothing to do with your circumstances, and now hate all cyclists? Damn.


Pretty good mad libs


Kids these days …

That’s the way to go, imo.

Anonymous poll: I have a bike.

  • Yes and have ridden recently.
  • Yes but rarely ride.
  • No.
0 voters

Used to ride daily for my commute, but not now.


Maybe most bike riders are okay and it’s just the hardcore bike idiots who are bad.

The people who cycle for sport like him are pure unadulterated idiots.

It’s understandable to want to use a bike for transport but actually doing in the world as it is just means you are lazy and absolutely terrible at cost benefit analysis. Get on the subway or bus with the rest of us!

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Adding a few minutes to your commute time in exchange for not having to spend any time in the gym is a good trade

Someone unexpectedly opens their car door while you are cycling by and boom all of a sudden you are decapitated! No thank you, much better to roll the dice with high blood pressure or whatever.

Or you can just be a normal, healthy, consciousness citizen and get exercise walking to and from public transport.

How does biking mean you’re lazy?




If you live in city where you’d even consider biking then most likely you also have some sort of public transport. But you bike rather than use public transport because your lazy fat ass doesn’t want to walk to and from the stops because they are too far. And once you get on the subway/bus, it stops alot so you’d have to read or some shit.

So these people just hop on their death machines and zoom directly from point A to point B.

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Bicyclists being a bunch of lazy fat asses is a very unusual and generally inaccurate take.


Amazing. I wish I lived in your fantasy world where public transit was convenient but sadly I live in America. Not sure where you live but it must be a true utopia.

When I lived in a city with good public transit, I took it everywhere (or walked). When I moved to my current city, public transit sucked so I found a better option. But apparently I’m just a fat ass :man_shrugging:

Talking about the ones who cycle solely for transport despite being clear eyed about the risks, which I agree is rare despite the suggestion otherwise ITT.

Most cyclists cycle alot for both transport and sport because they enjoy it and are either absolutely terrible at cost-benefit analysis, or more likely, get a kick out of putting their lives in danger. Those people tend to be either very healthy or dead/maimed. Don’t hear much from the dead and maimed ones, for obvious reasons.

Ok, then you need to get a car for personal safety rather than trying to be the Rosa Parks of bike riding in your city because you are absolutely going to get wiped out one day. A culture that doesn’t support public transport isn’t going to be safe to bike in.

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I thought my take was a little spicy and expected some pushback but didn’t think I’d get “anyone that rides their bike is a fatass with a death wish”


Yeah. I am not fat.

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