2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Fuck this bicyclist. He’s cycling on a public street, hears the emergency vehicle approaching, and pretends that the metal posts every 20 feet are a force field allowing him to pedal on without exhibiting any caution.

Unfortunately, very few streets where designed with bikes in mind so bike-lanes are usually grafted on later whether they fit or not…

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I’d question how much of that is “it’s my fault because I was the only one at fault” vs “it’s my fault because I should have done something to avoid the crash”

It’s dangerous on a bike but the danger comes from roadway design and driver error. Solving those problems would nearly eliminate the risk, but we can’t have that because it might placate the whiny, stupid cyclists :roll_eyes:

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Everyone says that, but the narrative remains. I used to bike to physical therapy and my PT asked me once why I do it and why cyclists are so dumb. A physical therapist, baffled at the fact that people prefer getting exercise over sitting in a car. That idea that cyclists are inconvenient assholes constantly making the world worse for the glorious car drivers is ingrained in our society and it comes out in statements like yours.

To be clear, I’m ranting at the world and don’t mean to direct this at you. It’s just a little weird to see on a “liberal” site the idea that cyclists are bad, because of all the institutional failures that are working against them including failures by so called progressives. Don’t buy in to that narrative.


However, this particular guy seems like an actual asshole.


I don’t actually care. I’d disagree with his specific complaint in this instance, but it doesn’t matter because it was posted with the unstated context that cyclists are whiny complainers that make things worse for drivers. That context is impossible to ignore in the conversation about whether they were at fault precisely because of the language and attitude used to dismiss the concerns of cyclists, who are nearly universally making the world a better place for car drivers.

The same idea applies to protestors but that would explode some brains so we don’t talk about that here.


Everyone on Twitter is an asshole.


The cyclist seems to have started it.

He miscalculated that the cyclist would be looking around and taking steps to make way for the emergency vehicle

In this situation that involves slowing down to make space for the taxi.

Well the hardcore bike idiots ride in idiotic packs like the Tour de France idiots and idiotically take each other out when one of them blows a tire or something. My idiot FIL has 3 recent stories of nearly paralyzing himself without any car involvement whatsoever.

Bingo. Most cities just slap on some paint and call it infrastructure. It’s actually worse than doing nothing at all in most cases.

Everyone on the road who isn’t me should scram.


My neighbor used to bike commute on a bike only path and he thought it was more dangerous than the street. Partly that is because it’s at the beach and sand on the concrete causes a lot of accidents, but partly because of too many people too fast. That was before so many E-bikes too. I’m sure it’s a lot worse now.

Cycling for exercise should absolutely be banned from public streets. Health benefits to the cyclists are dwarfed by risks of death or maiming and it’s a nuisance to others. Way worse than smoking.

Seriously though why can’t NYC have a normal mayor



I’m sure whatever he did was in his “official capacity” according to the Supreme Court.




With all the cameras on cars these days it seems parking in a tight space is a lost art. My own car would be in college if it was a kid and doesn’t have a backup camera . My wife’s newer one has a backup camera with lines showing where the car will go and a separate overhead view on the screen at the same time. With the cameras on and going slow it would seem impossible to hit anything.

Well, my older kid did it!

The younger kid’s first car is a 2000 Toyota Camry that belonged to my friend’s mom, I got it when she passed. The most technologically advanced feature on that baby is the CD player.

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