2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Idiots discover check fraud, believe it to be a free money glitch.


Lol i was seeing those videos too and I’m thinking, “you just put your card in”

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Zut alors.

Will Stancil’s post mortum on his failed election bid

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massage gun opinions?

Guns don’t massage people, people massage people.




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Good ones are amazing, cheap ones are meh, both work better when a properly trained third party uses them on you as opposed to self administered.

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After they finish with TicketMaster, the DOJ needs to go after these fuckwads who are stockpiling all the Pokemon cards I want to buy


The politicians aren’t going to pay the judgment out of pocket. They’re almost certainly not going to pay it at all, actually. Whatever foreign assets get seized will be a small price to pay for the PR value of stories about plucky Honduras standing up to the evil libertarians.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez can write a sequel. It’ll be awesome. It’ll be like Rocky II.

The real lol-libertarian angle here is that they built this elaborate fantasy about how they were going to make all this money through elaborate legal structures and (probably) cryptocurrency and whatever, and the instant an ideologically unfriendly government was elected, they got expropriated and the host government is giving a huge middle finger to all the international legal structures they deluded themselves into thinking would protect them.

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United Fruit knew you couldn’t just have one coup and leave it at that. Let’s see if Peter Theil is a history buff.

Kid’s birthday is coming up and she loves Pokemon cards.

Any recs on what to buy? I assume the box in that photo would be a good choice.

What I’m looking for is stuff that is actually obtainable but current enough that she wouldn’t already have it.

If you have Sam’s Club or Costco membership, you can check those out for good deals. The set in my picture is from Sam’s Club with 14 packs plus some promos for $40. Some Costcos supposedly have bundles of the “151” set, which is very popular right now.

If you don’t have those options, you can just go to a Walmart or Target and get an “Elite Trainer Box” (basically 9 packs plus some extras) of a recent set. Twilight Masquerade is a popular recent set that you might find there.

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There is a Twilight / Pokémon crossover?

I hope not, but there was good crossover with Mario




Now feed them to the Great Ocean Gods as is custom.