2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Sounds like the ICC has some Mongolian beef.


The fuck is Mongolia supposed to do? “OK, we’ll detain the head of state of our violent, nuclear-armed neighbor, you guys have our back, right?”


Yeah it’s completely absurd to expect that to happen.

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What does Huckle do? Looks like a freeloader trying to get a chicken in his pot.

Practically they’re just not supposed to allow him into the country.

Or maybe just not have a big parade and ceremony welcoming him.

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Called the Social Security office for something unrelated and they mentioned while on hold that the wait time to have a disability claim resolved was between 200 and 250 days. Oof.

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If by resolved you mean denied, then sure.

For successful applications that are not extremely cut-and-dried, it’s more like 12-18 months, during which there’ll be a couple of denials followed by a live hearing.


I was under the impression the first claim is almost always denied. Then the first appeal gets actually looked at.

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Yeah and that’s probably on the generous side. I know of someone where it took 18 months from filing to pay out.

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That’s been my experience, with some people needing to appeal only once and others needing to apply for hearings. I haven’t known any freshly disabled people under the age of 60 who received SSD on an initial application unless they had experienced a catastrophic physical trauma. Furthermore, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a previously functioning adult receive a psych disability on the first application.

The Pink Door - Seattle


Whoosh. I fainted today at the bus stop. A combination of getting too hot and having donated plasma an hour earlier. I was only out for a few seconds but woke up on the ground with a couple of people standing over me and asking if I was okay. I felt a lot better once I was on the bus and sitting underneath an AC vent.


I hate passing out. It’s scary. Glad you are ok.

I once passed out and cracked open my head in a sex dungeon at a play party surrounded by like 30 people having sex. You can imagine I killed the vibe pretty hard! :rofl:



Obv you still finished? :grinning:

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lol nope. I left in an ambulance. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Excellent thread title update.