2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

I guess that makes sense. But if it’s in the office where you are trying to escape, plenty of workplace toilets don’t have lids.

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Don’t get old.

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I think it is the prolonged straining that can lead to hemorrhoids. Conversely, I understand they can be caused by too fast a flow like excessive diarrhea… I know, I know, shittiest. post. evah.

The position itself is bad and it’s the pushing. It happened to me. A long time ago I would not want to poop in the office, so I made as sure as possible that I would poop before going to work and sometimes I wasn’t really ready and it would take longer and I’d push more. And then when I did get a hemorrhoid it hurt and didn’t itch, which is what I thought hemorrhoids did. So I self-diagnosed an anal fissure (like a cut). It hurt after pooping. So, I pooped less (every other day), and really made sure I got it all out. This made it worse. When I finally went to a doctor and he said it was a hemorrhoid, it was like ‘duh’ and being quicker and not forcing things cleared it up for the most part. There’s still like a weak spot and something there and if I’m not careful it will come back/thrombose.

Tmi, but whatever.

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I was going to use this newest discussion to rename the thread but mine might be nsfw :+1:t3:

Always poop on company time.


2024 LC Thread - Not that kind of roids


What if your co-workers think it’s hilarious to bang on the bathroom door or complain loudly about odors or throw rocks at the port-a-jon or if the contractor is a cheapskate and your choice is to wait or go in an empty box of sheetrock compound behind a cinder block wall?

I tend to use the bathroom myself.

Thank you, thank you.

Seriously, I’ve always needed a little longer than others. As a father, it is a never ending source of entertainment for my kids (now all grown). They’ve suggested I write a travel potty blog. I don’t have IBS or similar. It just takes what it takes.


Idgaf what co-workers think or do.

Eventually they will have to use the shitter and payback will be brutal.

If the contractor doesn’t provide a porta-potty, I drive to a gas station. His cheapness cost him productivity.

Saw a guy once didn’t bother to climb down off a roof. Just pissed right off the edge. That’s dgaf.

One of the great things about being a man is that the world is your urinal…

Yesterday I was walking into the grocery store when there was a huge bang and the glass doors that normally slide sideways came flying out at my face. Homeless dude tried to crash through to make good his escape from a security guard and a cashier that were chasing him. My pants came close to being my urinal.

Happy Labor Day!

Remember everyone who died at the hands of police and Pinkerton cocksuckers in the fight that continues today


Some years ago i attempted to limit my smoking to only when i was shitting. I ended up “shitting” 2, 3 and later 4 times per day. Mostly playing on my phone while i chain smoked. Anyway, i can confirm no straining is required to develop hemorrhoids


Movie pitch: a modern remake of Gaslight, but it’s about changing the thermostat


I just opened Twitch to see if there was anything worth putting on in the background (video game-related) while I was working. At the top of the screen, there are some highlighted streams. One auto-played and it’s a woman DJ’ing. A song is playing and she has the big DJ board or whatever the hell it’s called in front of her.

I don’t think she’s doing anything. She’s hitting buttons and goofing with a turntable, but in the minute or two I’ve been watching/listening (I just let it autoplay because it seemed so odd), nothing she has done has seemed to affect the music at all. She’ll move a turntable and nothing.

I don’t know how people can watch this. So weird.

EDIT: She finally did a record scratch!

I’m convinced DJing requires minimal skill.

I mean Paris Hilton is doing it ffs
