2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Most common thing yelled at a high school football game: GET HIM!

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He doesn’t decide whose insurance company it goes through. You call your own insurance company and give them the info on the other person’s insurance. The insurance companies decide who is at fault and whether it affects your deductible or not. At least that’s how it worked for me last time someone with insurance hit me.
I called my company and they took care of it

But…95/100 that means he doesn’t have insurance

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That’s one option, but you can also leave your own insurance out of it. I’ve done it both ways.

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You should probably be more open to the possibility that your daughter is being kicked off the team for her poor behavior rather than her orientation.

Which one keeps my insurance from going up?

If you’re not at fault, and the other person has insurance, your company should not pay and your rates should not go up.

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Insurance companies suck though, so, shrug. And they may not be able to know who is at fault.

Thanks. You would think after 25 years of driving I would know how this works but neither my wife or I have ever been in an accident since we have been together. Im pretty sure I shouldnt have just left the scene but it seemed pretty innocuous and I had shit to do and was interested in waiting for cops or filing a report.

My guess is that without any evidence (he hit my car in such a way that it would be hard for it to be my fault) it will likely be found 50-50 fault.

Yeah thats what im leaning towards. Im questioning whether to do anything at all. The car is ten years old and an electric. Its resale value is practically nil and this doesnt seemed to have scrwwed up its driving capabilities.

Police most likely would not even do a report for a fender bender. If no one is hurt, just leaving is fine.

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The last two times I got hit I did nothing. Once because it seemed to be no damage (turned out to do a little, but not much) and the other was because I was hit by an uninsured Guatemalan 17 year old with no driver’s license who surely had no money and all calling the cops would have done would have sent him to jail and maybe deported.


Filing through the other insurance should minimize the chances of that. Both because your own insurance is less likely to find out and because if the other insurance won’t accept their driver was 100% at fault you can still abort your claim without involving your insurance. I’ve never lived in a state that allows rate increases for not at fault accidents though so check your local laws because it may not matter.

Leaving was fine. The cops don’t want to get involved unless there was an injury or major damage. Standard procedure for minor accidents is to just exchange Id’s and insurance information and be on your way.

That’s pretty compelling evidence. IME insurance companies don’t try very hard to avoid assigning fault to their drivers. You just need to fade the other driver coming up with a straight up lie that is both believable and explains the damage to both vehicles.

What I would do:
-File a claim through the other insurance. They will get statements and decide who is at fault. There’s a good chance they’ll assign it to their driver. If so, proceed with the claim. If they fight it you can choose to drop everything there and you’re no worse off.
-Follow their instructions for getting an estimate. They will probably want an initial estimate from a specific shop and they may or may not send out their own adjuster.
-If you don’t care about fixing the car tell them to send you the money. You could easily see a check for a few thousand dollars with minimal effort on your part. Car parts and body shop labor is expensive right now. If you do care about fixing the car take it to your own preferred shop and ask them to fix it. They will probably find even more damage not covered in the initial estimate but they’ll handle getting the claim adjusted and everything. You just come back to pick your car up when they’re done and walk out with no bill.
-If you want to put more effort into it you can fight the initial estimate with your own estimates, get a rental paid for while your car is in the shop, and ask to be compensated for the diminished value.

The only reason to do nothing at all is if you’re feeling generous and don’t want the other driver’s insurance rates to go up.


Thank you, this was very instructive. Ill think it over overnight.

I appreciate all you guy’s help.

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Don’t be this guy


For the kids


Brady Bunch. I think Carol and this guy got in a fender bender. It goes to court. Guy shows in a neck brace and it looks like the Brady’s are going to lose the verdict.

Mike gets an idea and throws his briefcase on the ground. Other guy whips his head around proving he has no injury. Bradys win.


pharma hasn’t worked like this for at least a decade

For one comment?

can confirm. got booted from my auto insurance not too long ago bc of two incidences where I was rear-ended both times and I wasn’t even in the car during one of the accidents.



My gf and I were on different policies at the time. She and her Volvo lease was on one and me and my 2007 Toyota on the other.

First incident, I’m driving my gf’s lease and I’m rear-ended on the highway. Minor damage to the bumper that the other guy’s insurance paid for.

Second incident, gf is rear-ended while driving my Toyota. Minor damage to the bumper and quarter panel that the other guy’s insurance paid for.

I get a letter a few weeks later that they’re not renewing my policy. I complained but had no recourse, as best as I could tell.

still makes me crazy just thinking about it

It doesn’t sound like you really know that that’s all that happened. They’re saying that there was some other incident where she put her hands on another kid. What happened there?

From what my ex said at worst it was some roughhousing or horseplay so typical kid stuff that I’m sure takes place at tons of practices, their stated reason is that it’s because of the drug comment, and this is a week after that took place and after they already mentioned that her talking about a gf at the 2nd practice was inappropriate so I don’t think I’m buying that it’s because of “poor behavior” unless I’m unaware of some rule that is essentially zero tolerance