2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

It’s been ages since I had the training, idk.

I actually know someone who loves ocean water drink from sonic.

Of course, the title insurance lawyers say if there is a hidden problem with the title there will then be a lot of legal fees involved, so you’re basically insuring the bank against the risk of having to pay lawyers to sort out a title mess.

When I was a grad student, a freshman “A” student in my Psy100 class invited me back to her dorm room after we ran into each other at a campus bar (I’m guessing the drinking age was still 18 in OH in the late 80s). She also was one of the work-study students assigned to the Psychology department.

At some point when were both partially dressed, I saw my potential future vanish before my eyes, and I explained that this couldn’t happen while she was still my student. I left, no one ever found out, and she received her earned “A.”

Only minor regrets.



Sure but this is only a risk because the richest nation on earth has the land registration system of a developing nation.

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This is one of the most unexplainable memes I can think of. Did this guy not have an agent that was like “Hey maybe you should wait to maybe a public statement until you don’t look like this anymore?”

Dude got fired anyways but I guess this was before Trump solved these situations with Fuck You No so maybe that wasn’t an option.

We just paid upfront. I owned a place for 16 yrs and sold it; and wife’s parents gave her a chunk.
The assholes still tried hard to foist the title insurance on us. It took me being a little bit diligent to avoid being sucked into it.
Still fucking annoys me that they tried.

70 to 85% of it goes to commissions. You can tell it is a bad deal by how it is sold. Young attractive people who don’t know anything go out to visit every real estate office over and over and bring people bagels. And the people paying for it are not the people selecting it. It’s a lot like pharma.

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I don’t have anything to compare it to, but I don’t think the land registration system here is a big problem. Title insurance is basically unnecessary, and really just happens this way because the people requiring it and selecting it are not paying for it.

I might take the over on that if I had to wager.

I wasn’t sure where to put this so figured I’d just drop it here.

I have 3 kids, my youngest is my daughter who is turning 12 in September. She decided she wanted to play softball in the fall this year, has not played before.

So signed her up the other day, fall ball so pretty chill, she’s never played so that’s good, they tell me there’s not enough girls for a team in that age bracket so they will let her and one other girl her age play on the 10U team instead of 12U, I say yea that’s fine because she’s never played before and she’s on the smaller side for her age I would say.

So first practice last wed, get a call from her coach a few days after and people are concerned because apparently my daughter and another girl, 10U girl i guess, got into the closet in the dugout and got into the chalk for the lines they keep there and my daughter made a joke to the other girl that it looked like drugs (coke) and made a joke that they should name the team the drug dealers. Parent heard this and complained I guess they don’t want their kids hearing something like that. I’m like ok I’ll talk to her make sure she knows not to make jokes like that in the future. kids will be kids whatever. so her next practice was this wed 2 days ago, I wasn’t at the last one, when we get there coach asks me if I talked to her I said yea just what I said above. He says ok well the commissioner wanted to talk with you about it as well just to cross her T’s dot her I’s or some shit about it, so whatever he calls her, she comes over a few mins later, tell her the same thing, all done.

Well last night my ex wife calls says she got a message from commissioner about another incident from this most recent practice she needs to discuss, apparently she tried to call me but I don’t have her number and didn’t recognize it so didn’t pick up. I told her I’m not aware of any new incident, she calls me back and says apparently my daughter was asked by another girl if my daughter had a crush on her. Now my daughter is a super proud lesbian at almost 12 years old and we are well aware, she started at a new school here just a month ago that is better with LGBTQ tolerance as part of that so this is not anything new to us. My daughter responded to the question by saying that no she didn’t have a crush on the girl and that my daughter has a “girlfriend” at her school, so commissioner tells my ex this like thinking maybe we didn’t know or something, I’m not sure but basically said this was an inappropriate conversation as well and that parents were uncomfortable having to explain to their daughters why my daughter has a girlfriend. My ex and myself are super supportive of our daughter in every way so both of us quite pissed off that this phone call last night is even taking place. So whatever ex is mad I’m mad, nothing more is said i guess.
Come to today and my ex again calls me and says this commissioner lady wants to talk again about it with her, now im super pissed and what to see what she has to say again. Ex calls back and says they kicked my daughter off the team and refunding our money, that its basically cuz of the drug comment and also that maybe my daughters possibly “put her hands on one of the other girls” no other details. And that she’s super sorry but the president not her made this decision and that they are happy to let her play in the spring in our age group 12U but apparently not with the 10U.

I’m obviously pissed because it seems pretty clear to me that her being a lesbian is a problem and other parents don’t want her on the team. So don’t think i have any interest on getting her back on the team at this point and we have some other options i think for getting her on some other teams in the area possibly but I feel like I need to do something at the very least including giving the coach/commissioner/prez a real piece of my mind.



I would ask them to put in writing the exact reason she is being kicked off the team. A single incident of making a joke about chalk equipment in which she was warned with no recurring offense doesn’t seem sufficient reason to kick her off

Always start a paper trail ASAP when it comes to stuff like this imo


Yea thats a good point, all this shit been on the phone

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What does your daughter think?

I mean my personal reaction is to burn it all the fuck down including the houses of the people involved and their kin, but that won’t help your kid.


Yea I mean that was my first thought lol, she doesn’t know yet, she’s at school this just happened

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Last year my son’s gym teacher (that’s what we called PE in the Boston suburbs when I was growing up) made a ton of inappropriate remarks. Calling kids fat, using the r-word, etc. I guess typical gym teacher stuff. But then at one point he was separating genders and went on a “we know the truth is that there are only two genders” rant. My son told me about it when I picked him up and I nearly marched back into the school to find the guy. This is my cis son btw, not my trans one. Anyway I calmed down, talked to my son about it and asked him how he wanted to proceed, so we went through the formal complaint process with the school.

Anyway throughout the process I tried to stay focused on how I can try to make the situation better. My own ego and self-righteousness made me want to go fight the guy, but hopefully the school addressed it with him and he’ll be less likely to keep saying that shit, and some kid who’s already confused and scared won’t have to hear it from an authority figure.


no advice at the moment, but your daughter sounds like she’s got a good sense of humor


Not sure my best option here. Got into a fender bender leaving the grocery store. Not any damage to his car, got an estimate on mine of about 2K to replace back bumper (some small cracks and dents, but the bumper is intact and not in any trouble of falling off or anything.) We did not call the police as damage seemed minimal and the accident was very low speed.

We exchanged info (he said he wasn’t sure if he had insurance since the car was just purchased) and he texted me to let me know he does have insurance through Geico and to let him know what I want to do.

Never really been in an accident before. Not sure whether to get insurance involved or if not having a police report will be detrimental in any way

Nah, no need for the police to be involved, just give him your insurance info, take a pic of the damage, call your insurance company and tell them what happened.