2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

I don’t mind getting blood draws and such, but that’s largely because I never watch. One day, in a college biology class, the instructor made us do our own blood tests. Bad idea, at least for me. I remember trying to poke my finger with a blade, and the next thing I knew, I was waking up on the floor. My head had broken through the glass of a cabinet containing microscopes. A friend plucked my head out before I woke up, or it could have been really bad. As it was, I had a little cut on the top of my head.

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My father in law has several times. Passes right out. Blood does it and also getting up sometimes.

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Surprising how many of you fainters would jump of the 10m with no hesitation.


I posted somewhere on here a few months ago. I had some stomach cramps and went to the bathroom in the early morning. Passed out on the bathroom floor. Laid there in and out of consciousness for 45 minutes until my wife found me. She tried to get me up so we could go to the ER. Everytime I’d try to stand up I’d pass back out. I ended riding in the ambulance for the first time. The EMTs were pretty freaked out by how low my blood pressure was, how slow my heart rate was and how messed up my heart rhythms were. They skipped the closest hospital and took me to a bigger hospital. It ended up just being vasovagal syncope in reaction to the gi issues I had going on.

To confirm it, I had to do a tilt table test. They strap you to a table and stand you up at an 80? degree angle. It just feels like you standing uncomfortably or awkwardly, but within 1 minute I could tell I was going to pass out. Within 2 minutes I was out cold.

Also I pass out on blood draws if I am sitting up, but if they lay me down I do not. I assume it’s related to the vasovagal syncope.

I’ve been in the room for 2 c sections with my wife and a few other surgeries when I worked in a hospital in college and never had an issue seeing blood or internal organs. But I passed out once during a lecture about heart anatomy. Shit is weird.


Ha! When I had hernia surgery 25 years ago, I was out of town on business (hooray consulting). My wife (then girlfriend) wanted to come take care of me, I but I didn’t want her to miss work, so my mom came. The day after surgery (I think it was the day after), I was allowed to take a shower, change the bandage, etc.

I was in the shower and removed the bandage and probably 80% because of the meds I was on (I had basically been lying down for 24 hours) and 20% because it was gross, I started to black out. I could see my vision narrowing like at the end of a Looney Tunes cartoon. I was still soaped up and told myself, “I am not passing out only to have my MOM drag my naked body out of the shower.”

I rinsed off as quickly as I could and got a towel while that black circle was continuing to close in front of me. I got to my bedroom and laid on the bed until the feeling subsided. Never blacked out. Phew.


I remember your previous post and I was curious about the tilt table but I didn’t ask at the time. I do think there’s something about leaning forward that might initiate a response. I’m just brushing my teeth, and now I’m getting tunnel vision? This is bullshit. Fortunately it doesn’t happen all that often.

The tilt table has you tilted back just slightly.

Have never had an issue with needles or blood draws but have passed out from dehydration/heat stroke twice when I was younger. My best fainting story is a doozy though. Happened in 2016 during the dem primaries. I had my annual colonoscopy and endoscopy, which I had done probably 20 times by then. Ive always been a challenge for anesthesiologists as it takes a lot to knock me out, then I take a looooong time to wake up from it. Usually I wake up in recovery over the course of two hours, freezing, grumpy, groggy, loopy, and hungry. Seven dwarves style. Then I get wheeled to the car and go home and sleep it off.

This time I got wheeled to the car, my mom drove me home, and I went to sleep upstairs. At some point I got up and went to the bathroom, on the way back to the bedroom I yelled my moms name then she heard a thud. She ran upstairs and found me face down in a pool of blood, unconscious. She got me to the closest ER where I eventually came to with several broken bones around my eye socket, a bad concussion, and a bunch of stitches. The wood floor did a number on me when I went down.

To this day, I have absolutely no memory between going under at the hospital in Philly and coming to at the ER in NJ many hours later. Zero memory. Like I was under anesthesia the entire time. My dad was in the room when I came to but then had to leave. When he left I said “that was so nice of Bernie Sanders to visit me.” My dad looks very little like him, but is an older white guy with white hair so I guess thats close enough. I was very confused.

Now after anesthesia they make me wait for at least an hour, eat and drink something, and have a conversation with them before I am cleared to be taken home.


My friend was in the hospital intensive care unit for a long time. When he was too weak to get up the physical therapists would put him in a contraption like a cot that could be turned at any angle to make exercise easier or harder. That’s what I’m picturing.

Did they give her any topical anesthesia before doing the IV? I can take needles but I really don’t like them. I’ve taken several IV’s raw, which are of course the worst kind of needle sticks. Then I got an IV once in a hospital that they prepped with a topical anesthesia. I thought they were just sterilizing it or something and looked away cause I never want to see it. After a minute I got tired of waiting for it so I looked back to check in and I was shocked to find a catheter in my arm. Didn’t feel a thing when they put it in. I was both amazed and angry over all the times I’ve just been jabbed, knowing now it can be painless.




I’m sure Ye knows this by now, but it’s pretty easy to get your hands on whatever quantity of nitrous you want.

It’s just this. It’s crazy that this made me pass out in under 2 minutes.

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I thought a tilt table was where they put all the upset poker players.


According to a class-action lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., the hacking group USDoD claimed in April to have stolen personal records of 2.9 billion people from National Public Data, which offers personal information to employers, private investigators, staffing agencies and others doing background checks. The group offered in a forum for hackers to sell the data, which included records from the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom, for $3.5 million, a cybersecurity expert said in a post on X.

I have questions.


And here we are.

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I broke my collarbone and dislocated my shoulder severely. While I was waiting to be evaluated (in hindsight I should have gone to the ER), I passed out due to the severity of the pain. Thankfully, I was sitting down.

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Never had a problem with shots but I did get super lightheaded giving blood once.

I would think that would be worth more than a third of the starting powerball jackpot