2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

ElSapo has a point but I’d say yes. That is an occasion I would warn the person taking blood. “Hey, I might get dizzy and have to lie down.”

I nearly fainted the first time I gave blood, but I think it was because for some dumb reason I thought you had to fast first.

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Blood draw (like a few vials) should count. Blood donation could be dehydration or low blood sugar, which is why they ask you to wait a few minutes and have a snack and something to drink.

I was blessed with none of these issues so I give blood regularly, and there is often someone there really struggling with it.

Is there any Fabian V Thingy showdowns for maximum scandi action?

I do have the syncope issue when getting blood drawn but I’ve also experienced episodes out in public with no blood/injury etc type trigger. My last one i was just standing at a sportsbook counter and felt it coming on so i sat down on the floor before i passed out. Most of those episodes have happened when I’ve been on vacation which seems odd, maybe I have some kind of subconscious aversion to leaving my home?

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i’m like 10, brother’s 6, mom drops us off to get blood drawn and runs down the hall to the pharmacy.

brother is watching through the window as someone else is getting blood drawn, eyes roll back and falls back stiff as a board. i run and get my mom. while they’re dealing with him, i get called back. bloodwork went fine, i’m walking back to find my mom/brother and the walls look bumpy.

next thing i know i’m on the floor trying to get away from the smelling salts.

nurse: don’t worry about the guy in the wheelchair

me: huh

nurse: you fainted right onto a guy in a wheelchair.

my mom comes around the corner, sees me on the floor and lets out the loudest laugh i’ve ever heard lol


Sometimes it happens unexpectedly, just from leaning over the sink or toilet and I have to take some deep breaths. Drugs that can lower blood pressure (Benadryl in even small amounts, I’ve noticed) make it more likely.

Ive nevwe paased out but Ive grayed out. It happens when I stretch really hard with my arms above my head and pulling my spine in.

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I had a vasovagal reaction after my second COVID shot, but it wasn’t until almost a day later. I was sleeping in the play room because I went to bed late and didn’t want to disturb my wife. Had to pee at around 5:00am, so got up, walked through the kitchen to the bathroom, and did the thing. As I finished, I started feeling nauseous. Got a sip of water. A couple steps after exiting the bathroom, it hit me. I basically lost control of my legs and started blacking out. I stumbled through the kitchen, in and out of consciousness, my legs like jello. Got to the playroom and collapsed. I heard and felt it, but couldn’t control anything. Fortunately, I was fine, didn’t hit my head. I came to - I think I was only out for a second - and forced myself to get up and fall onto the couch. When I did, I felt the blood rush back to my head, like when your arm wakes up from falling asleep.

And then I was fine. Worn out, but fine. The COVID shot was late morning the previous day.


Never from shots, blood draws, or giving blood, but I passed out while watching a video of open heart surgery once.

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My 17-year-old daughter has serious problems with needles. She freaks out. When she’s had to have shots at the doctor, or when we did the drive-thru COVID shots, she’s been pretty good because I think she’s embarrassed to go nuts. She sips on water and I’ll sit with her, plus she knows she’s in a safe space.

She’s had a couple oral surgeries and the first one, the nurse came to me in another room and asked if I heard what was happening. I didn’t - apparently my daughter was screaming when they had to give her an IV and anesthesia.

She had a vasovagal response after a flu shot during the stage of the pandemic when we were still in the house most of the time, but could go to the grocery store with masks on. She actually handled the shot just fine. Got it at Publix - all four of us in the family. I was last and everything went smoothly. My wife was in the checkout line and the kids and I were making our way towards her.

I was at one end of an aisle and my daughter took a different route at the other. I heard a crash and looked down the aisle to see her face first on the floor. I ran over and she was completely out cold - for a moment I thought she was dead, but then I saw her breathing. After a minute, she woke up and had no idea what had happened. She just remembered feeling nauseous and that was it. Chipped a tooth and has a scar on her chin from it.

EDIT: Her vasovagal was before mine, so it was incredibly scary. Had no idea what was happening. Mine, while scary for me at the time (everyone was asleep), was ok because I realized what had probably happened after the fact. Just so odd because it happened so long after my shot (aside from not wanting to actually see it, I don’t really have a problem with needles).


jesus christ scandinavia is a hellscape

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I mean honestly I was shocked when I went to Noma and they brought out a frozen Red Barron pizza and two old crunchwrap supremes


Baader–Meinhof phenomenon

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Columbo is famously a fainter.

Lt. Columbo: Uh, I feel uncomfortable.

Dr. Barry Mayfield: In what way?

Lt. Columbo: In hospitals, around illness, I, uh… I feel kind of queasy.

Dr. Barry Mayfield: Well, that’s not uncommon, Lieutenant.

Lt. Columbo: I know. Uh, I faint. I mean, I actually pass out, and in my line of work that’s kind of embarrassing. Is there, uh… is there something that I can do for that?

Dr. Barry Mayfield: There’s only one sure-fire cure, Lieutenant: stay out of hospitals as much as possible.

From A Stitch in Crime with Leonard Nimoy playing the Dr.


My triggers were:

  • I was in the basement and heard the dog barking. I was worried he was barking at a mail or delivery person, so I sprinted up the basement stairs and on one step barely got a single toe on the step and I ate shit on the stairs. I stumbled to the door to get my dog inside and close it, but noticed I felt very strange. I fainted for about 30 seconds onto the rug.
  • I’m setting one of those mean rat traps. Never really done this and am a little on edge. I got the first one baited and set. I bait and set the next trap and as soon as I place it on the ground it SNAPS, sending me backwards bumping pretty hard into the wall but not actually the rat trap getting me. Again, I instantly felt my blood pressure drop and found the couch. I sat down and was able to catch my breath.

I also have never had a problem with shots, blood draws, etc, and I get those done at least once a month! I am pretty sure that video would trigger me too! :joy:

You fainted in Noma?

So I’ve talked about how I’ve lost a bunch of weight, I got myself down 40 lbs. A few months ago, I was down 30 or so but I hadn’t reduced my blood pressure medications. I was out on a date with my wife and went to the bathroom, walked up to the urinal and unzipped, then the dizziness hit.

I knew intellectually exactly what it was, but I just was thinking “I will not pass out in the bathroom with my dick out”. Managed to tuck it in before I fell, woke up a few seconds later with no one ever coming in.


A 29-year-old security guard at a nearby shop recalled how he “heard a scream” and “jumped on” a man he saw attacking the girl, Sky News reported. The guard then held the man down, took his knife and waited for police to arrive.

“I just saw a kid getting stabbed and I just tried to save her. It’s my duty to just save them,” the security guard, identified as Abdullah, 29, told the outlet.

Somehow this hero’s name and background won’t make it through to the right-wing rioters I’m sure.

But if the stabber had been Abdullah, all hell breaks loose. As is the stabber is Romanian. Not sure how they react to that.

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