2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

So what the hell is going on over there? All these riots are literally just because of a Muslim-sounding name?

His name, race, and that his parents immigrated there.

Fucking hell.

It won’t matter that he’s Christian really, or that he himself was born there. The primary sentiment is just anti-immigrant and racism (pretty sure a Ukrainian immigrant gets to be a mentally ill individual).

It’s turned into wide spread low level race riots

Protests were also planned on Sunday in Bolton, Lancaster, Weymouth and Middlesbrough where more than 300 protesters marched through the city centre, chanting: “We want our country back”.

The rioters in Middlesbrough threw bricks, cans and pots at police, and pushed burning wheelie bins at a line of officers with shields, leaving a road strewn with smoking rubbish.

One group walked through a residential area smashing the windows of houses and cars. When asked by a resident why they were breaking windows, one replied “because we’re English”, the PA news agency reported.

good post.

only issue is how am i supposed to reconcile somebody forcing their beliefs on me? or maybe more importantly, forcing their minority beliefs on the majority?

like individual issues, i could sit down with a theoretical conservative and at least understand their stance on most things. but what i don’t think i could ever find a reason to empathize with someone who knows a majority of people don’t want X and push for it anyway. your morals and values aren’t more important than mine.

also i don’t know how much more devout the 1600’s french peasant would be if he/she had an iphone…

PSA: please clean your keyboard

I am fairly embarrassed that I just learned Times Square was named after The New York Times. Seems pretty obvious in hindsight.


I did not know that.

Young conservatives on TikTok are lip syncing to the Dixie Chicks not ready to make nice to protest their treatment by the media.

This is the world we live in.


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This out of Australia is the ultimate in middle class Karen tears.

A woman was literally raped in the office of a Member of Parliament.

That MP is now suing the rape victim because of some social media posts from the victim that said she wasn’t getting enough support from the MP.

This is not about you. Shut the fuck up

Lots of areas in the UK are poor, segregated, neglected and ignored. Fertile ground for extremists to sell snake oil. Most of the right wing media and half of Parliament have been stoking racial tension for many years and in these communities they find many believing eyes and willing ears.

The run up to this years election was even uglier than it usually is and a focus on widening racial divides was central to both Tory and Reform platforms (Reform being the more extreme). You know the rhetoric - hoards of fighting age extremists coming over here to terrorise our streets and rape our women. Last chance to save our country from Sharia Law. When will the British lion wake up? Basically the population’s been primed for something like this to happen.

Roll on the devastating murder of several small girls by a knife wielding black man, some online misinformation and a surprisingly decent stretch of British weather and you get a decent set of conditions for a good old riot.

A primed population, an inciting incident, sunny skies and a large, willing political/media element with the ways and means to direct and stoke. Result = riots.



What’s going on in Korea?

So much this.

And it isn’t them being MAGA itself that’s the issue. It’s that the core beliefs that make MAGA seem appealing to people are completely contradictory to my own core beliefs.


that’ll fix the lowest birth rate in the world… making everyone work a 6th day.


Dear lord

I don’t know if this was already posted somewhere on this forum but Vince Vaughn just did one of the best episodes of Hot Ones ever

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I may have told this story, don’t remember, but Vince Vaughn was a regular at a cafe/restaurant my daughter worked at. He talked to her and asked her name and said his, but she misheard him and though he said ‘Mike’ and called him Mike after that. After he left, other people working there told her who he was.

Unintentional, but it was a bit like this:

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