2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

I’ve done this. Second what basically everyone else said. If she’s visibly MAGA on her profile, I’m swiping left right off the bat. If it reaches the date planning stage I’ll go and assess how MAGA she is. Any amount is a dealbreaker for a LTR. They can be a perfectly pleasant date though.

I’ve gone as long as 6 months dating a girl who brought up MAGA stuff on occasion. 99% of the time things were fine and when she slipped I just let her know I wasn’t into it and we avoided further discussion. There’s a wide range of how terrible they can be another wide range of what you can tolerate, so YMMV, but it’s fine to go on the date and evaluate for yourself.

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Have him review the chart



For sure. The really over the top people screaming at school board meetings about trans pedophiles and stuff are plentiful, but there’s also many more passive MAGA types that have just always been conservative/rural and they are just moderately MAGA because that’s all the politics they get exposed to and it’s what all their friends and social network do. But I’m not sure I’d be that interested in dating one anyway, not that any of them are asking for dates with an actuary past his best before date.


Russia is so scared of me they made this deal to give kamala and joe good press

Vance pushing this almost verbatim


tinkerbell definitely did dot the “i” right? wtf


yeah nm, google definitely trippin


Disney has managed to erase other things from history, so why not this I definitely had a video of songs of the south as a kid, and I’ve never been able to find it online

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Yeah because women are not just objects to you


TMI on Venezuela’s economy.

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lol. way better than those guys that always smack ‘em in the face

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Idk where to put this :frowning:

“The problem with something like this is multifaceted. It kinda harkens back to if you steal from me, I’m gonna cut off your hand. Okay, well how come we don’t do that in the United States, well because it’s cruel and unusual punishment,” said Craft.

Craft explains how in most incidents of forcible rape, the act is done not so much out of some sick sexual desire, but something much more sinister.

“It’s not the notion of having sex with somebody for some sort of pleasure. It is the notion of domination and control. I understand what they were trying to accomplish, it’s just this is not the way,” Craft continued.

The other problem is that castration doesn’t remove a person’s orientation, libido, or sexual function. You’re still attracted to whoever you’re attracted to. You still want to get off. You can still orgasm. See, for example, Michael Jackson.

Without meaning to say that my frame of mind is superior, I find it hard to share a life with someone who’s in favor of some of the more conservative Democrat positions, let alone a MAGA person.

Imagining it just makes me feel very bad. Communciation is number 1 for me, in a broader sense than maybe is usually meant when people talk about significant other relationships. The issues that prevent me from being with someone are a lot different than what people usually mean when they say “you shouldn’t let politics divide us” or whatever. Like, it’s about humanity.

Differing values on what humanity is just makes it seem like the kind of communication I’m struggling to articulate (ironical) is impossible.

Like if you think a resident should just be deported for residing, or people shouldn’t be allowed to sleep in a doorway, or being trans should be scorned or whatever, I can’t deal with it from a “sharing my life with you” perspective.

I try to put myself in the shoes of someone who could consider it, and it seems impossible to even do that


Like I don’t feel “haha that’s beneath me” I just feel distress


People confuse genuine toleration with “tolerance” of differences on things that don’t really matter to you. It’s impossible for us moderns to understand the wars of religion because we know god doesn’t exist. Even religious people today don’t believe like a 16th century French peasant.

The idea that politics shouldn’t be a relationship incompatibility is applicable to people who don’t care about politics, and, to some extent, a relic of a time when the hot-button political issue was the V-chip, which nobody deeply cared about.

That said, it’s a failing and a weakness to not be able to understand people with radically different values than your own. The actual point of politics isn’t policy or the class struggle or whatever, it’s that lots and lots of people who think very, very differently are all around us. There’s no need to share a bed with them, but we do need to share a workplace and a built environment and a government and a set of borders with them, and there’s an inherent debate about how to run those things

It’s perfectly appropriate to want your side to win that debate, but it’s not really enough. You need to win in a way that reconciles your opponent to losing. Which is obviously very hard to do if you can only understand them as inhuman orcs.


Don’t know where to put this, but this seven countries plan was new to me.



JFC. So what’s the story on this guy? Obviously he’s brown. But did he convert to Islam and yell Allah Akhbar when he stabbed the kids?

I can’t find anything indicating he’s anything other than Christian.