2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Now trending on twitter and across the internet: “senate hearing room.” A conveniently-timed news release by the Daily Caller, probably to quash the Rudy story.

I will leave it to you to investigate the story.

If this scenario was real you’d go insane wondering how the RNG seed would’ve played out if you’d formatted correctly the first time.

I voted for the guaranteed money. In part because it would buy me a great deal of additional freedom and in part because I, too would go insane if I gambled and missed. If you’re thinking of the second scenario as a straight freeroll bet I think you’re discounting the mental health equity you’re putting at risk. $950k needs to be a pretty insignificant number for you to take that risk.

Interestingly, my girlfriend chose the $30M bet despite being in a much tighter financial position and being much more risk averse.

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This is all just an exercise in marginal utility.

From a pure mathematical perspective obviously the shot at 30 million is better.

But my quality of life if you could put it into numerical value…the first million is such a massive gain I don’t think the next 29 million makes my life twice as better as the first million.

For those of you a little better off, I would take the shot at 30 mil

This is what I was alluding to before. Even though you may not have a precise personal utility function for additional dollars, you can estimate it. And making decisions based on that is absolutely mathematical.

For example, these kinds of calculations are the basis of the Kelly criterion. And even in that case we’re assuming a utility function that is logarithmic. It would be extremely weird to argue that stuff isn’t mathematical. It’s different math (i.e. it’s more than arithmetic), but it’s still mathematical.

I’d take a certain $5,000 over a 75% chance of 30 million dollars


Now that’s a hot take itt.

Thank you for not making me be the person to say this.

Did she say what she’d spend it on?

Is there a female degen equivalent to “hookers and blow”?

Not suggesting that is what she would do, it is just a question that came to mind.

Mercedes G-class and Prada?

I’ve posted articles from Hard Drive on here before - it’s a video game/pop culture parody site like The Onion. Well, after years of admiring from afar, I am now the one others can admire from afar (and I’ve also now semi-doxxed myself):


Shoes and Sephora?


Not bad, but I’m not really feeling either of these.

Facelift and bo(tox)?

Brunch and Mimosas? Definitely not degen enough, but I’m trying to stick to a theme of the first word being something fun to do and the second being an intoxicant.


Women watch onlyfans? To a significant extent?

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Birkins and Botox

Clubhouse leader

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