2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

I could just really use the 5k


Yes but it all came out to well under $950k. I think she just thought that was the answer I would have more respect for. Or like a riddle with only one correct answer.

100% chance of $950k means 100% chance I own a house

45% chance of $30M means 45% chance I own a house

Iā€™ll take the 100% house option

Xpost to the economy bad thread


OK, letā€™s change the second to 100% chance of 30 million, but you are never allowed to buy a house (if you do they take the money back, repo the house, etc.). Now what?

I guess take the $30M and try to lock down a place with a long term lease. Doesnā€™t feel quite as stable as owning but I guess itā€™d be alright

I can live in a $1,000 a night hotel for 82 years. Iā€™ll be aliright.


Thatā€™s more or less what I was getting at. Lots of people view home ownership as an end. I donā€™t get that. Home ownership is only valuable in that it provides potential financial security. Thatā€™s the really valuable thing (in my mind). It really just comes down to money.

I understand that being forced to move and the inability to perfectly customize your space are suboptimal. But those are also problems easily solved or at least mitigated by more money.

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Do i have to know what would have happened if i take the 950? I wouldnā€™t take the gamble because if it went wrong Iā€™d be kicking myself for the rest if my life. But if i took the money and found out Iā€™d have won the millions Iā€™d be just as mad.

If i have to find out either way ill take the gamble. If i get to stay ignorant Iā€™ll take the guarantee and assume Iā€™d have lost.

For ultimate fun this deal has to tell you if you would have gotten the 30 million if you turned it down.

For me the financial stability is second to the life stability and feeling like I control my living situation and am no longer subject to arbitrary rent hikes or shitty landlords or whatever, but yea I get what youā€™re saying

Mr Beast. Make it happen!


if you are paying taxes on the 950k (523k - 610k after taxes) you would need to be very old for it to make sense to not risk it imho.

Or very poor.

Knew this was being considered but had not seen it passed. This is a huge boon for CA employees

This is fucking a+ political speech


Gawd, damn son!

Tigers hat!

Iā€™m choosing the 100% 950k. Who is distributing this? I have Venmo.

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