2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Is there room to come in from inside the cabinet/drawer space and reach up to rearrange the utinsils to get it unstuck?

Don’t feel bad, it’s not just you, he’s probably smarter than almost everyone in your building.

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22 down for anyone else, or is the airport censoring me?

Looks like it’s the airport, I can get in alright.

I got fucked by crowdstrike coming and going.

Waited at the KC airport for 8 hours and 5 delays to finally give up and go home. 3 more delays later they finally acknowledged the flight was canceled, something the woman working the counter was basically telling us 3 hours earlier.

I could have gotten on another flight if I’d have known they were going to pull this shit. Now the next flight I can get on is Wednesday. I could call and yell and they’d put me on another airline tomorrow apparently. But fuck it. Not really in the mood to go through this all over again tomorrow.

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Take the kids to Jacksonville

I once hired a guy to fix my fridge only to find out the fix was popping off small cover and tightening a screw three turns. :rofl: cost me $180.

Reminds me of an old joke. An old but critical piece of machinery in a factory stops working. After making many phone calls the foreman finally finds someone who can repair it. The man comes in, looks at it for about 30 minutes, takes out a hammer, taps it twice, and it starts working. He delivers an invoice to the foreman for $10,000. The outraged foreman says “you were here less than an hour and all you did was tap it with a hammer. I need a detailed invoice justifying this bill.” The man returns with an invoice that reads:

Tap with hammer: $2
Knowing where to tap: $9998


Yeah, but if you’re like me you saved $1,000 because if you had tried to fix it yourself you would have broken something more important.

Feel like you are paying for their knowledge. Plus from an earnings standpoint I am sure some fixes for them are very low income for a fix. You just got stuck on easy street fix.

In my mind I want the guy to say “no charge easy fix” but that is a bad way to run a business.

This is what being a computer programmer and fixing something you built is like.

I drive an old car, I have a mechanic I use pretty regularly, and I bring my car to him for literally everything, even stuff I can do myself, mostly to maintain the relationship with him because he is often backed up with 2-3 weeks worth of work. There’s been a couple of issues where I was in a pinch and he snuck me in, totally worth paying him a little extra for an oil change or whatever.

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100% me. I am a total moron with anything handyman like.

Of course they have to charge me. I don’t think I suggested otherwise.


This shit is so infuriating. Hopefully it drives turnout in GA.




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Until his recent heel turn what little I knew of Brands politics was he wanted us to elect Obama and pass the ACA. Fuckin bizzaro world.

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I am getting political fundraising texts literally every five minutes. This is intolerable. I’ve had my phone number forever, cannot imagine changing it over this. Is there any other possible solution?

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Happens all the time in the ER. You’d be shocked the things people come in for.