2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

I see no evidence of this but if it were found that the Ozempic class of drugs had psychological effects like say, increased levels of empathy or a decreased tendency to be a fascist fuckhead, what consequence would that have? Would they be less popular? Would the price go up, or down? Random thoughts.

Has The Onion wrote a piece about how Ozempic increases dick size, height, and low income yet?

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Got home to see what is in our kitchen. All Samsung stuff. Moved into the house in 2017, no issues with the fridge or dishwasher, I had to replace an igniter or something similar in the oven. Fridge doesnā€™t have a water dispenser, maybe those are common sources of issues.

20+ year old washer is a Kenmore, dryer is a Maytag

I am on the lowest possible dose of Ozempic and holy shit does it work.


as a millennial i always wonder what people did before youtube. like a year or so ago i was renting a house and the washing machine broke and my buddy and i looked up some stuff on youtube and got the parts to fix it for like 5 bucks all inā€¦ iā€™m sure some appliance repair person would have charged us 100 easily and we would have paid.

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Iā€™m at the end of week 2 on the lowest dose of Zepbound. Itā€™s taken the edge off of hunger but hasnā€™t eliminated it, especially at the end of the week when Iā€™m the furthest from the injection as I am now. Because Iā€™m determined to get my moneyā€™s worth out of this medication Iā€™ve been extremely strict with food and am exercising much more than before, so Iā€™ve lost a ton of weight.

However, the couple of days after I took the second dose I experienced what others have described - I literally had to remind myself to eat. My understanding is thatā€™s because the half-life of Zepbound is five days, so you have more in your system at that point than after the first injection. Assuming I do another month (at the next higher dose) I therefore assume that will be a drastic change.

Damn man Iā€™m not even overweight and all you ozempickers make me want to do it too for shits and giggles


I definitely get more urges to eat on days 5-7.

Iā€™ve learned from this that hunger and urge to eat are two different things. In the past I wasnā€™t always hungry, but the urge to eat was omnipresent. Now Iā€™m never hungry, but the urge to eat returns sometimes.

Iā€™m generally kind of nauseous on day 1-3, especially when I exercise. Day 2 seems to be the worst.

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Thatā€™s interesting, in that itā€™s kind of the opposite for me. Like at this moment I feel extremely hungry, but I donā€™t really feel like eating.

I will also mention that I have some OCD-ish/compulsive habits and have noticed no change there.

This Tweet encapsulates America today. (And why the heck arenā€™t Tweets displaying anymore?)


I donā€™t think thatā€™s normal fentanyl behavior.

Meth, sure, but not fentanyl.

But really mostly mental illness.

I go to SF often enough to know thatā€™s itā€™s absolutely not the state of things in general, but I just wondered if Florida isnā€™t really 100% Florida Man either.

Our relatively new Miele vacuum cleaner really, really sucks! Itā€™s frickinā€™ awesome.

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Washer/Drier is a Whirlpool Duet pair we got about 8ish years ago. They perform well, and thereā€™s only been a single issue where the front panel of the drier was acting up. A factory reset cleared that up.

Got a LG Fridge shortly after moving into the house so we could relegate the one the previous owners left to being a party fridge. We got about the lowest-tech version we could, but it did have the feature that it made fancy ā€œspheresā€ (more like death stars) of ice in addition to the regular small cubes. It had a compressor issue while under warranty, and the repair guy advised us to drill some holes in the back of the cabinet next to where the air intake was. We did, and the compressor has been fine since. The death star ice recently stopped working and just leaked water into the collection tray until we turned that off. We havenā€™t had that serviced.

Had to replace the dish washer a few years ago. Got a Bosch that was liked by Consumer Reports. Itā€™s been great. Very quiet, everything comes out clean unless we really screw up by blocking one of the spinners or something, even without doing much pre-work to the dishes except scraping off solid food.

Weā€™ll be getting a Frigidaire induction stove Wednesday, mainly for air quality concerns about our current gas stove, but also because it should just perform better. We went with Frigidaire because we got a good price on it, and because it had a gazillion oven features that MrsWookie really liked. Nothing else really compared for features, but Iā€™ll have to keep you posted on how it goes.

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Does it have a sous vide attachment?

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Started reading this thread not realizing what I clicked on and was trying to figure out which democrats had those last names to replace Biden for way too long


Not sure? This thing has so much going on I canā€™t recall it all. I do remember it claims to do ā€œair sous vide,ā€ which I think is basically a steam oven, perhaps akin to this: Anova Precision Oven Review

But, not having tried it, I donā€™t know if it works well. It looks like the stove can lock a pot at a particular temperature, so thatā€™s basically the same thing, although without the water circulation, it may not be quite as good as an immersion circulator. Weā€™ll have to test it out. Might be nice to be able to get rid of the old sous vide setup, although I probably wonā€™t. Around holidays, it can sometimes be pretty clutch to have the sous vide setup plus all stove burners plus the oven when things are getting nuts.

This is what weā€™re getting:


It really does all the things. One pretty big advantage over the LGs that Consumer Reports likes a bit better are that all burners can get a power boost rather than just the largest one, and the bridge burner setup is nice for a griddle, and that isnā€™t a common feature. Could make steaks/burgers/pancakes for a crowd a lot easier.

Ultimately, I donā€™t know how well all the bells and whistles will do, but Iā€™m pretty convinced that the stove will outperform our gas setup without the air quality and asthma risks of gas, and the oven should also be at least as good as what we have now. Thatā€™s more than enough to justify the switch. The other bells and whistles, weā€™ll try them out. Maybe the air fryer is good? I dunno.

The thing that really makes this a game changer is I can exercise a ton and still not get hungry. In the past Iā€™ve worked out a ton but was always insanely hungry after.

Induction is pretty great. Ours doesnā€™t have sous vide, we saw one that had a temp probe you put in the pot and then it communicates with the cook top to keep the temp at whatever you set it at. The one we got didnā€™t have that option, but had a larger surface area and more bridges, which seemed more useful in general.

You big issue is going to be wok cooking. Induction woks are decent, but not as good as gas with a wok. If you get a dedicated induction wok/burner combo, that would probably be as good, but itā€™s an extra appliance to get.