2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Have you never heard of Paul Anderson?

I haven’t, but Wiki says he was a champion weight lifter? Definitely impressive and not taking anything away from his accomplishments, but in my mind nothing compares to what Alex Honnold did. Not only did it take incredible strength, balance, precision, and skill, but even the tiniest little fuck up and he dies

You need to see a little film called “The Shawshank Redemption”.


Plenty of people have climbed Everest solo.

It’s a test of pain tolerance.

With how crowded it gets during climbing season, I didn’t think anyone is climbing “alone,” even if they’re not in a group.

Are there routes up the mountain that few groups choose to take?

People have climbed Everest in winter when no one else is on the mountain.

Yeah there’s the Tibetan route up the north face but it’s really hard to get a permit from China.


This is the impressive shit. Man what a great time for all the previews to break

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I stand corrected, although climbing Everest in winter sounds like a really dumb idea.

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Yet everyone who is towed up the mountain claims to have done so. If you don’t know any climbers you may not fully understand the difference between climbing a mountain and being towed up a mountain by a superior climber.

There was a time when the general public thought climbing any tall mountain was a dumb idea.

It’s kind of one of those things either you get it or you don’t. I like to think I have the soul of a climber, but in the body of an unathletic offensive lineman.


If there were really 1800 climbers who could do Everest, or however many licenses they sell to go up in a season, in the world no one would care about climbing Everest.

I know too many people who’ve died on mountains to want to do anything more challenging than a little scrambling, hell, I don’t like trails that are just stair masters, but I enjoy being outside and feel better when I get back.

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LA has some great mountains, and a little bit of adventure in that one or more people usually die on them every year doing something ill-advised. I like that it’s not just a hike, but you need to use your brain and common sense because your life could depend on it. That heightens my senses and makes me feel more alive.


As you can imagine Boulder is lousy with trails, here are some pictures from trails with trailheads in the city limits:

There is some steep drop offs you need to avoid but mostly I listen to my stories and keep my head down until the climbing is over.


The bad guys (stepdad and mom) in this case

Blamed the abuse on the 9 year old. Threatened to release recordings of the 9 year. Mom did nothing. Too bad they are dead, deserve to be revived and drowned. Repeatedly.

No clue who the Alice Munro person was.

She alleged that Fremlin got into a bed where she was sleeping at her mother’s home in Clinton, Ontario, and sexually assaulted her. Skinner told her father, James Munro, who she says did not tell Munro.

Any idea what the bolded is supposed to mean?

She told her father what her stepfather was doing.

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In 2005, Skinner went to the police. Fremlin, then 80, was charged with indecent assault against Skinner and pleaded guilty. He received a suspended sentence and two years’ probation. Munro stayed with Fremlin until he died in 2013.

Fucking hell man. Dude got off with nothing but public shame.

Yes I got that part. But it took me a while to figure out the other Munro was the mom. “did not tell her mother” would have worked a lot better.

Alice Munro was one of the most famous writers in the world. And almost certainly the most famous Munro in the world. Also pretty much universally loved and admired.
That’s why this story is circulating.