2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

I’ve never had a Kindle or anything like that, but seems to me they are at least usually much smaller than sheet music.

Obviously the software exists to put sheet music on a tablet, but I’m thinking something along the lines of a standard-sized book of sheet music that is a tablet.

The PadMu 4 is an Onyx Boox modified especially for musicians.

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This seems to be what I’m looking for. Thank you

1680 euros wtf never mind

So what you’re looking for is just a yuuge tablet that isn’t insanely expensive?

Is that the price for the double screen version? I’ve seen suggestions that you might be better off with the regular Boox.

I’ve also seen recommendations for the 12.9" iPad Pro. I think you can basically make anything work with a large enough screen, maybe even a 2-in-1 laptop.

idk I’m roughly twice my age when it comes to knowledge of technology and tech products.

A magic piano book with a gazillion relevant functions and access to public domain scores for one easy payment of $449.95 seems like the sort of thing that should exist.

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I don’t know much about tech or music, but it seems like most of what you want is something an app does. For the display we just need a large tablet. A quick amazon search reveals some 15.6 inch tablets for under $500. Is that big enough? I don’t know how much the app would cost on top of that.


I’m developing some empathy for AI


And now jackass ruined it.

Pretty much grounds for instant divorce if your spouse tries any of this.


My wife and I coordinate dinner over Slack.

Do you have a retrospective after sex?


Gives new meaning to a staff meeting!

I’ll see myself out.


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More of a 1-on-1 imo, but you do you (and everyone else).

If you have to order more than one pizza, there’s too many people at your sex retrospectives.


Remember those things you could put in a car’s distributor cap and it would whistle and shoot sparks everywhere when someone started their car? Good times.

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