2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune


Related. I found this whole story riveting.


You can also imagine this idea by thinking about the distribution of molecules in the air of a room: the overall density on the floor is somewhat higher than on the ceiling, but the particles—following this density distribution—are nonetheless evenly scattered, and there is no vacuum anywhere.

Whether or not this is a helpful analogy, it reminds me of the scene in the BBT ep that was on earlier tonight where Sheldon shows his paper to Hawking, who tells him he’s impressed, but “too bad it’s wrong” bc he made an arithmetic mistake on page 2.

No YouTubes on it yet that I can see, here are some intro vids about it that are interesting:

Here is a 9 hour run of a 5th level busy beaver on the 4th:

If you want to read about another Turing Machine there is a good chunk of Neal Stephenson’s The Diamond Age where one is described in detail.

Edit: Reading the article they use the number of steps before the Turing Machine stops as the busy beaver number, the vids use the largest number of 1’s produced by the machine as the number, so there are some differences.

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How would that work with the infinite repeating machines that put out infinite 1s? I guess those still don’t count?

Correct, they only count if they halt. I guess the assumption is if it goes on forever it is doing some kind of looping or something, the question now is how many steps is “forever?”

They need to find one repeating sequence, then they know it will loop forever. Amazing that one they found by mathematical proofs didn’t repeat until something like a trillion trillion, then the repeating sequence was over 8 billion steps long.

Using a souped-up version of Marxen and Buntrock’s 30-year-old accelerated simulation technique, they discovered that the tug-of-war between order and chaos did end, but only after more than a trillion trillion steps. Then it finally settled into a repeating cycle that was itself unusually long. Practically all infinite loops begin repeating within 1,000 steps; Skelet #1’s was more than 8 billion steps long.

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Basically, US gonna do what the UK did.

Austerity time!

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I have one guillotine just for show

Did a quick survey and seeing at least 5 deaths from fireworks. :us: :fireworks:

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  1. Too old for a Darwin award?

This whole story is hilarious.


TIL this is what strip club locker rooms look like and my world is shattered. This is nothing like the movies. I expected to see fancy mirrors with little lightbulbs all around the sides, with feather boas, lace stuff, and glittery stuff draped all over everything.


JFC, Raleigh NC’s heat index today is going to be hotter than Sacramento.

Fucking bonkers.

I can’t believe Dick Wolf lied to us all those years.

Not if it’s a dude.

It’s always a dude.

How much did you pay her for that

She’s a stripper/escort I follow on twitter.



What’s a cherry girl

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