2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

is this for a DIY renovation, new construction or what?

I’m being nagged for a kitchen. From moments I haven’t been able to escape I’ve learned the word “Japandi”. Might be the style you’re after.



I’m just waiting for the lol unknown side effects.


New construction. About to start picking out the interior.

You nailed it. Thank you!

An El Paso judge on Tuesday denied Attorney General Ken Paxton’s attempt to shut down Annunciation House, a Catholic migrant shelter. Paxton had targeted the 45-year-old nonprofit in February, when he accused its staff, without evidence, of “operating a stash house” and “harboring aliens,” and requested a host of records from the shelter in an attempt to prove it. But in granting Annunciation House relief from Paxton’s requests, District Court Judge Francisco X. Dominguez wrote that Paxton didn’t establish what laws the shelter was violating, and that he used the records request to harass its guests and operators. The judge, in his ruling, called this breach “outrageous and intolerable.”

Dominguez reasoned that closing the shelter, as Paxton intended, would violate the Texas Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which states that if a government agency burdens a person’s free exercise of religion, it has to use the “least restrictive means” of ensuring compliance. “Closing Annunciation House is obviously not the least restrictive means,” Jerome Wesevich, attorney for Annunciation House, said Tuesday. (The attorney general’s office did not respond to an interview request.) In an effort to discredit a religious freedom argument, Paxton had called into question the religious bona fides of the organization; he cited testimony that the shelter went periods of months without offering mass and that its staff made no attempt to convert its guests to Catholicism to undercut its religious affiliation. (It is perhaps worth noting that the shelter’s executive director, Ruben Garcia, says he took its name from a letter Mother Teresa had written him after he received the space from the Archdiocese of El Paso in 1978.) Wesevich called this tactic from the AG’s office “laughable.” “We’re talking about the fundamental teaching of Jesus: love one another, no exceptions,” Wesevich said following a June hearing. “If that does not get protection, what does?”

I’m finding it annoying that everything’s now coming down to how religious are you and if what you’re doing has some religious component to it.

I guess it’s a matter of low hanging fruit, but I guess it’s a testament to the conservative Supreme Court’s victory that these are the first questions that get asked and not the more secular rule of law questions.

I’d only get open shelves if you have a large kitchen. Closed shelves keeps the dust off the items.

Also, I wouldn’t put the cooktop on the island. Stuff splatters.

That’s an old meme, but it checks out.

Been living in Japan for close to 15 years. Have never seen a kitchen that looks like that. But now I want to remodel my own in that style.

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That kitchen looks great in photos but it’s gonna look dumb once I put my air fryer, rice maker, toaster, espresso machine, blender, and tea kettle on the counter.

Love and use my gadgets too much to do minimalism unless I was one of those rich people who have one kitchen just for show and a secret second kitchen used for cooking

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You can put that stuff in cabinets (maybe not the espresso maker). We keep most of our appliances hidden and just pull them out when needed.

Yeah, I’m just too lazy for that, the design would be awesome style for people with that kind of discipline, but I’ve just accepted a certain level of clutter as part of my life. And I use my gadgets a lot

i dont understand why new-ish kitchens dont all have undermounted sinks. especially in usa#1 with disposals. pushing crumbs/particles into the sink is just way too convenient when cleaning.

Americans favor decreasing short-term costs over any sort of long-term thinking.

You don’t have to even be rich. Asian would also suffice


When you’re eaten by a bear, they’re very different from other predators, in that a lion or a tiger or a big cat is going to dispatch their prey and bite through the windpipe or do something to kill it, so they can then drag it somewhere to consume it safely. A bear doesn’t do that; a bear will literally sit on you and eat you. Often these people die by bleeding out, and it takes a long time. It’s 10 to 15 minutes of this bear sitting on you eating you alive, not ripping out necessary organs or something to kill you. Sometimes you luck out, and the bear kills you quickly. In his case, that wasn’t what happened.

Bear attack - not the way to go.


Hmmmm, so, never leave the house then, got it.

One of the benefits of being on blood thinners is that I’ll die quicker in this type of scenario. Always gotta look in the bright side of things.


Does there exist a tablet that functions as like an eBook but for piano sheet music?

Are you specifically asking about how it displays? I’m sure there has to be an app that will put the music on your ipad screen. But it won’t look like a kindle screen obviously.