2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

You need to include a banana for scale


The Star Trek lady?

I’ll ring Nigel Brumby in Mutitjulu. He has a “Homestay”. I think that means you can crash there.

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Hey it was Ayer’s rock in the Ducktales computer game. Next thing you know they will rename Mt McKinley.


Congestion pricing somehow less dead than Sleepy Joe’s chances at the polls

Wegovy is semaglutide for weight loss. Ozempic for diabetes I think. (Maybe the reverse but they are the two names the one drug company use. They have slightly different max dosages.

Whats the motivation to be in local government? There are a few people in my city constantly running for the various positions. It pays peanuts. Assuming it’s a racket.

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Theses are the last politicians that actually care about the issues and their constituents. I know it’s hard to believe but more often than not at this level it’s people trying to help. That all ends before it gets to state or national level.


Only one man can save your life


Weekly semaglutide miracle drug update: it’s also for mental health. (New Scientist article)

It’s Buddhism in a syringe!


I know two people on my small city council and I’d say probably that’s half wrong anyway, and it’s not that it’s all wrong for either of them. It’s half wrong for both.

There is one guy like that who is always talking about the environment but the others Republicans and don’t seem to have any issues that are important to them, just always seem to be perpetually around.

So I just saw this asinine tweet that says “fortune favors the bold,” praising someone for having a spare $8 million to just have fun with:


The replies fall into these general categories:

  1. That’s awesome! Love to see it!
  2. Dude could have just invested in the S&P 500 instead of waiting all these years and spending money on storage, upkeep, repairs, etc.
  3. Dipshit didn’t see the problems with fiat currency, should’ve invested in Bitcoin.

It seems like it will be really hard to get interest rates low again in the USA now that businesses realize how super easy it was to raise prices during covid.

Tackling America’s debt problem will require either tax hikes or cuts to benefits, such as social security and health insurance programs, said Karen Dynan, former chief economist at the US Treasury and now professor at the Harvard Kennedy School. “Many (politicians) are not willing to talk about the hard choices that are going to need to be made. These are very serious decisions… and they could be very consequential for people’s lives.”

lol, I know which way this will go!



I love living in the future


Oh shit, I forgot to take my gun out of my carry on! I’ll have to just throw that away now. Thanks hologram!

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Anyone a design nerd? Looking for inspiration similar to this kitchen. I don’t even know where to start to be honest. I guess it’s minimalist and modern but that’s so vague.