2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Yes, which whatever for the ER. However, I don’t get holiday pay like I do for other holidays

We need to increase microplastics so my penis can get bigger and more plasticy.

Yo, VIP, let’s flip it!
Real estate, baby!

(Verse 1)
Alright, stop, collaborate and listen,
Real estate’s back with a brand new mission,
Leverage grabs a hold of me tightly,
Flip it quick and daily, nightly.

Will it ever stop? Yo, I don’t know,
Hit the market and watch my cash flow,
To the extreme, I buy homes like a vandal,
Invest in the best, cashin’ checks like a scandal.

Buy, buy, baby,
Buy, buy, baby,
Buy, buy, baby,
Buy, buy, baby.

(Verse 2)
Now that the market’s jumpin’,
With comps and listings, you know we ain’t frontin’,
Quick to the point, to the point, no faking,
Fix it up, flip it fast, money’s what we’re making.

Lending’s hot, like a deal with no fail,
I’m on a roll, it’s time to get that mail,
Rollin’ in my 5.0,
With my windows down so my cash can flow.

Buy, buy, baby,
Buy, buy, baby,
Buy, buy, baby,
Buy, buy, baby.

We scout the scene, the market’s moving,
Cash in hand, yeah, you know we’re grooving,
Investing, quick deals like lightning,
Making money in real estate, so exciting.

If there’s a problem, yo, we’ll solve it,
Check out the comp while my agent revolves it.

Buy, buy, baby,
Buy, buy, baby,
Buy, buy, baby,
Buy, buy, baby.

(Verse 3)
Houses on the block, we know where they’re hiding,
Gotta find the right one, that’s where we’re guiding,
To the top, never gonna stop,
Fixer-uppers, penthouses, condos, shop.

Equity’s the key, with a profit on sight,
Deals so tight, keepin’ it all in the right,
Boom, cash flow, keeping it steady,
Risk assessment, always ready.

Buy, buy, baby,
Buy, buy, baby,
Buy, buy, baby,
Buy, buy, baby.

Yo, VIP, let’s flip it!
Real estate, baby, too cold,
Real estate, baby, too cold,
Too cold, too cold,
Real estate, baby, too cold,
Too cold, too cold.


The texts are starting to get weird.

lol, I’ve got one text chain offering me a 600% match and another offering 700%. Feels like I should hold out for 1000%

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Oh shit you can abolish the electoral college by signing a petition? Better get on it!






Who are three people who have never been in my kitchen?


I mean. I’m not an expert, but seems that leaving something this important to a billion people to be run by a bunch of incompetent theocratic fascists isn’t working out so well.

I was thinking

Nightmare Blunt Rotation


Pete Buttigieg - Marry
Hilary Clinton - Fuck
Michael Moore - Kill


Maybe people shouldn’t try to make this trip without an official hajj visa.

They should reschedule to January. The high temp this year was a cool 100 deg.

It’s 125 now and something like 1100 people have died from the heat.

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They can just wait for 2037-2039 when it will be in January.

By then it’ll be 125 in January.


So if came most plastic isn’t actually recycled, but then the fossil fuel industry announced a new (well not new, but newly pushed) method of recycling plastic. Turns out it’s all just spin. It’s a interesting read if you like the ins and outs of corporate PR bullshit

I asked Jenkins, the energy industry analyst, to play out this scenario on a larger scale.

Were all of these projects adding up? Could the industry conceivably make enough propylene and ethylene through pyrolysis to replace much of our demand for new plastic?

He looked three years into the future, using his company’s latest figures on global pyrolysis investment, and gave an optimistic assessment.

At best, the world could replace 0.2% of new plastic churned out in a year with products made through pyrolysis.

True. Let’s ration this so that only rich people can do it

The article says that the official hajj convoy from Egypt cost $6000. Is that really a price point for a once-in-a-lifetime event that only the rich can afford? It seems like lots of poor people go on this trip. It may cost them their life savings, but they can afford it.

I’m not digging that deep but a quick Google says that the average yearly salary in Egypt is less than $5000. Wikipedia says that around 30% of Egypt’s population is in the range from “extreme poor” to “near poor”.

It does not sound like a big stretch that $6000 would be an enormous lift for many many Egyptians.

Not saying it’s not an enormous lift, but it’s something that is within reach, not something that’s only for the rich, especially if you’ve been saving up for it for decades. Anyways, the Hajj is not a requirement if you’re not financially capable of paying for it.

One of the supposed benefits of the Hajj is that people come away from it more tolerant of others, possibly because they mingle with those who are of a different race, ethnicity, social, or economic class.

There are many levels of Hajj accommodations from air-conditioned tents to basically sleeping on the streets. I’d be shocked if the people slapping on the streets paid $6k.