2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

I’m semi-retired and WFH. I scheduled myself for my usual full day, since Wednesday is generally my only long day.

I hastily put the poll together without much thought as I was heading out the door on daycare shuttle duty. Just before that I realized I was the only person in my immediate friend group OOO and that my partner is actually going into the office today! There are a lot of different work arrangements and my wording isn’t even close to ideal. Interpret it as you will.

I’m intrigued by the folks working when no one else is around. On the surface I think I get it… regular meetings are cancelled opening up the calendar, no inbound requests, and generally an interrupt free day, but also, I’m so burnt out that I don’t get it at all.

Hope everyone has a good Wednesday

MLK said slavery still exists for blacks and whites today, in the form of wage slavery, and it’s true. It’s true.

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It’s a holiday for my company, but some of my clients don’t care so I’m doing a couple zoom meetings

I get MLK day instead

No day off here we’re running as normal.


Yes, but I don’t live in America

But we had a Juneteenth party.




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Now do housing and healthcare


It’s an interesting data point, I wonder what the percentage is for Americans making 72K or less per year.

The answer is probably in here somewhere but it would e a lot of work to find it.


Also, Americans probably eat out more than people in other countries, so that probably skews the results somewhat.

That would be one where the spend of the median income might yield a very different result?

The average is heavily weighted by the Elmo’s of the world.


Are those microplastics in your pants or are you just happy to see me?


I mean, how often are they looking?