2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Thankfully I don’t have that.

I have some Dulcolax pills and some polyethylene glycol that I’m mixing with Gatorade.

Yea that’s what I had last time. It’s not terrible.

I don’t hate consequences for this kind of shit, but it’s entirely predictable that they busted a brown person for this. Plenty of repubes do this shit. Like that politician who clearly sprayed graffiti on her own walkway (I’m sure someone can remind me who that was).

It’s like voter fraud. Black persons make a clearly innocent mistake which is actually not fraud: straight to jail and throw away the key. White person clearly does it intentionally: slap on the wrist, if that.

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Just rewatched Heat (1995)


Have been moving and finding places for all sorts of shit! No less than 3 of the wires in my Box O’Wires have been put to use!

How am I rewarded? My son shoved his mega blok in my computer speaker subwoofer. I tried to take it apart but the sub box is not very amenable. c’est la vie.

I don’t understand you kids and your in-group lingo.


It’s 2024. The fact that there are doctors out this still making their patients drink that is nearly criminal. Ive been on the 4 x dulcolax pills and miralax in gatorade regiment for years now, and it works flawlessly every time. Suprep and golytely should both be illegal.

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If I spent a lot of time on youtube my feed would be nothing but gorillas, rock climbers, and people reuniting with dogs who don’t recognize them until they get a good smell.


I don’t remember golytely being that bad 4 years ago.

Suprep on the other hand. I just barely got it all down, and was on the verge of vomiting with each swig. I’ve never had to eat or drink anything that horrible in my life.

But my preps all done. Procedure at 8 am. Then catching up on eating.


Yeah, when I want to happy cry:

  • Dogs reuniting with owner.
  • Deaf person hearing for the first time.
  • Soon-to-be grandparents getting the news.

Don’t care if they are staged or real. My tears are real damn it.

It’s a subset.

But there’s a tiktok where guys on the street phone their best friends and tell them they love them.


Kids asking their step dad’s and step mums to adopt them…

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I don’t like the adoption ones. If they are genuine they are amazing, but when scripted I’m worried.

Haven’t heard of the bro love ones - diving in!

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Maybe I’m too cynical, but the “dogs greeting returning soliders” stuff bugs me a bit because it seems like cultural propaganda to make America’s stupid military culture more palatable. Is anyone doing “dog is sad forever because America sent it’s mom to die in Iraq fighting for the interests of rich people” videos? I get the same vibes from these videos as I get from “heartwarming” stories of communities coming together to pay an exhorbitant medical bill so little Timmy can get cancer treatment.


When an animal adopts an orphaned baby from another species.

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This is an insane firing.

We need to get everyone back into the office so middle managers can fire them in the elevator.


Reddit thinks this is fake news: https://www.reddit.com/r/MacysStores/comments/1di7go0/a_macys_manager_decides_to_fire_an_employee_in_a/?rdt=48260

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Saw an emaciated and clearly unwell bobcat on my Ring cam. Please don’t use anticoagulant rat poisons. Posting this here instead of Nextdoor because I have no bandwidth for those aholes today.


Are you sure it was a bobcat? A lot of gangs are using wildlife costumes in an attempt to get inside homes to murder the residents. Some kind of initiation ceremony apparently.


I tell you what, when Trump was President we sure as hell didn’t have gangs disguised as wildlife breaking into houses and murdering innocent white people. That’s SOCIALISM for you!