2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Another thing I realized is how much an police officer’s job depends on you telling them things and how many times people offer up things without thinking about it because it’s under the guise of conversation. And not things like admitting guilt, but things like where are you coming from, where is your car parked, etc. If you just don’t answer they’re kind of left standing around asking the same questions over and over again.

Criminally? No, absolutely not.

As for a job? Honestly… not necessarily. Maybe? Probably even. But 100% has to be? No.

It depends on the job, obviously. And there’s a lot of bias there. Senior leaders will of course believe that they add a lot of value by just walking around and thinking and just generally inspiring the shit out of their Good Workers who faithfully report to the office. The people that actually do stuff though, they better be clicking that mouse and typing. Or else.



This 23 year old lady pretended she was 14 so she could sleep with 13-14 year old boys.

You can add Google to Microsoft Explorer. It’s just buried many options deep and they keep moving it. And then occasionally defaults back to bing without telling you

I have to exclusively use Explorer for work or none of the intranet pages work. So I’ve been fighting this battle for a while.


Although I fought it as long as I could, I eventually just left my Outlook on the new version. I was just thinking today that it feels fine now, and I can’t remember why I had been so resistant to making the change.

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Where can I play in a poker tournament in LA in the next hour?


Headed to lucky lady. :slight_smile:


Day 2 is Sunday

That’s doable.

Yeah, I know. I just haven’t. I figured might as well get a few Microsoft points every so often. Maybe I can get a month of PC Game Pass.

Qualified for Sunday with the shortest stack of 15. Would be a lot better if JJ>QQ.

But in the money with 50k chips.

BB is 25k btw , still cashed tho.


This is a near work of genius situated in its context of like 2010 New York. If this were 1870 it would be in the Louve.

Edit: oops, edited out my original comment, about being able to play well more than a few drinks under after having three teeth extracted.

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Ha. I think I’ve cashed in about $50 in Microsoft points and have another $50 or so stashed for a rainy day. Target and Dunkin’ Donuts. That’s right.

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