2024 LC Thread: Name That Tune

Do you also believe this to be true in cases involving public safety, such as an airline pilot who tries to board the plane while drunk? It may or may not be grounds for immediate dismissal, but it is Federal crime.


There are 19 million felons in the US and the Dumbocrats are supposed to think they are human beings, but sick burn.


There is a bit more nuance there, obviously. Same thing with drunk driving. I think its deplorable, but our first act should be to help, not punish.

For a pilot, put them on leave, get them enrolled in treatment, and monitor prior to restarting/during working hours. Our justice system has no interest in anything other than punishment. It should be focused on rehabilitation. For something that affects/is affected by your brain chemistry, that should go tenfold.

Treatment first, then go from there

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One problem with your approach is that it greatly reduces the incentive for pilot addicts to do anything other than to keep flying as usual, since then the worst outcome for flying drunk would be to simply receive the same medical treatment which was already available the prior day when they weren’t flying.

Pilot addicts who know they face jail time and possible job dismissal can and due take action to avoid flying while intoxicated. Think of how many commercial pilots get arrested each year for drunk flying vs. how many pilots are probably alcoholic–even if they’re sober or mostly sober when they fly?

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I agree that just throwing them in federal prison for years is not the solution but if your for example risking hundreds of lives by showing up to fly a plane drunk your long past the point of being interested in seeking treatment on your own accord, so the external pressure to treatment going to have to be pretty substantial.

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I think there’s a risk reward thing here.

You teach drunk. Impacts and risks to others are relatively low.

You drive drunk. The impacts are higher, so a punishment and deterrent should also be higher.

You drive a bus full of school kids drunkc. Higher again.

Fly a plane drunk. Even higher impact, severe punishment seems warranted.

With all of it though, any use of punishment as deterrent needs to be evidence based AND shown to be superior to other methods. For example, if compulsory alcohol breath testing was required for all commercial flights, then that would make treatment instead of punishment a much better option.


I just assumed the flying drunk was a separate discussion than the teaching drunk. It’s not? Holy moly what a slippery slope. Ok, death penalty for jay walking! What are we gonna do, let Hitler get away the Holocaust?!


Posting on the forum drunk? Straight to jail.


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If being in charge of a child while drunk is a crime then I’m guilty your honor




All jokes aside, do you think there should be legal and/or employment consequences for a surgeon who shows up for work while clearly intoxicated if no one gets harmed?

A spokesperson for Wells Fargo told Bloomberg, “Wells Fargo holds employees to the highest standards and does not tolerate unethical behavior.”

Rumor is they said it with a straight face.

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The question is, is keyboard and mouse activity a good metric of productivity. The obvious answer to me is no and if you are using it to determine if people are working you are failing. I support people gaming such nonsense.

I don’t think harm is what should be punished it is the risk of harm that person could do. Someone walking around drunk isn’t much of a risk and shouldn’t be punished as much as someone who is drunk driving. Likewise with the surgeon, the chance that they kill or maim someone is what should be punished.

While they are being punished is a great opportunity to treat the underlying condition that would let them make those decisions.

Wow is AI fucking up internet searches. I just typed “chicago mayor” into Bing to verify something (yes, I know - I use Microsoft’s browser for something specific for work, so occasionally I do a quick Bing search) and for pages and pages, almost everything is Lori Lightfoot. At the very top of the page, it does say Brandon Johnson, but I missed it the first time I looked because the Lightfoot results are highlighted and cover much more of the screen.

Google’s lost more than a step. It’s hardly unforgivable to use something else.